* Posts by darklordsid

79 publicly visible posts • joined 8 May 2013


Microsoft parades Windows 8.1, the version you may actually want


Re: Start Icon != Start Menu. This the problem.

Most users now will respond you "Ballmerboy, what button are you talking about anyway? My iOS/Android device has not that f*** button!"

And it is true for the majority of devices, as after that epic fail of W8 Squarepants was announced non Wintel machines sales and usage skyrocketed and pros and developers ran away in flocks. And after fist 9 months of W8 heavy advertising reign, Wintel platform IS NO LONGER THE DOMINANT ONE for number of users nor for revenue.

Welcome to the new world, MS suicided itself, get a clue.

Fedora's Schrödinger's Cat Linux gives coders claws for thought


Re: does this release mean...

Who cares, Ballmerboy said desktop is legacy...


Re: Let's hope

Google is your friend, go for missing security signature and you'll find the nasty bug preventing to install virtually anything from outside the off repo. OR it is a grievous bug, OR worse it is a walled garden test. In any case it is why I dropped Fedora and started warning people to stay away from them until the issue is resolved.


Let's hope

Package manager were badly flawed in last Fedora releases. Just hope this one is better and can be back my RPM based reference distribution.

Microsoft's Windows 8.1 secrets REVEALED ... sort of


Lipstick on a pig...

... and it will definitely look better than Ballmer... or better than Windows 8.x? I don't know.

What I know is that adding utter mockery (licke this farce start button) to the unmitigated Windows 8 disaster rather than listening to users asking for hierarchical start MENU back, is the attutude that is quickly killing Microsoft.

Ubuntu's Shuttleworth: Microsoft no longer dominates PC biz

Paris Hilton

What if...

... Ballmerboy is indeed working for Ubuntu? Windows 8 epic fail would then make perfect sense.

Windows 8.1 Start button SPOTTED in the wild


It seems all cool programmer in MS become too rich and lazy by the end of the '90s - early 2000s to have the company still release a product capable of selling like hot cake. All what I see after XP is: "let's pretend we (re)invented the wheel!".

7 was a lucky exception, as it went for the always good kiss way "keep it simple stup*", but it was the only one.

Word 2 to Office 365 and beyond: The good, the bad and the Ribbon


One does not simply minimize the ribbon... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r21CMDyPuGo


Re: Office...

I agree to some extent.

Very very very much worse in case of Excel.

Mostly on par in the case of Word, which is a pity, a huge one.

A bit better in case of Outlook.

Generally better than Access in features/performances, but much worse in terms of integration to the point to not be a real alternative for the intended Access audience.

About other tools, no one is a must have or a killer app, at lest for most of the user, so I not even begin to enumerate how each fares with alternatives.

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Office success is entirely due to the exceptional Excel team and its work on vba.


Word is (and was) a pos everyone hates for its instability, inability to nicely page documents and non-reproducibility of layout results on different machines with tiny differences, and was the subject of most famous anti-Ms journalist rant ever.

Outlook is widely regarded as poor man's choice in terms of client and groupware, has a grim security reputation and basically is still alive only because it is bundled with Office and pushed in any way by Exchange.

Access is/was most ridiculed piece of software ever, well known for its lack of performances, scalability, security, limitations when it comes to deal with networking or other database, and is regarded as a sure signature of poor choice in terms of developer skills (or poor planning).

Other applications are mere curiosities for niche users.

But MS decided it is all fine as it is and all user's need is to be more and more dependent from their cloud and their online services, and a "nice" ribbon menu, now metroized to make it even worse.

No wonder those people at MS management lives in denial and are convinced to still live in the golden '90s.

Happy 23rd birthday, Windows 3.0


Better than Metro

Multi overlapping windowS. 'Nuff said.

More than half of Windows 8 users just treat it like Windows 7


Oh, I guess loading a pathetic single window environment lacking windowing function common since Windows 1.0 is faster than loading a proper desktop manager.

If it's a so clever idea why not skipping all that useless GUI paraphernalia and directly boot in Power Shell for next version?

Or maybe for next-next one we can also skip the useless bundle of the command interpreter and load only hardware microcode, that's even faster - so, clearly, it is an huge evolution!


Re: More than half?

No longer, since the moment MS mixed up mobile and desktops.

There are more Linux based (and its Linux kernel based Android mobile counterpart) machines than Windows based machines.

And I'm not talking of W8 alone.

The blow for MS business model was immense, and the best has jet to come...

If you've bought DRM'd film files from Acetrax, here's the bad news


DRM: what content do you want to lose rights to use today?

Biz bods: Tile-tastic Windows 8? NOOO. We lust after 'mature' Win 7

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Re: We have Windows 8 at work

Hi Ballmer!


Re: Whats the point of a touch UI on a desktop?

Next MS move: make the touch obsolete and hide the desktop after metro after $another_GUI with vocal control only ;)


Re: Maybe a bit flawed?

Researches may be flawed, in both ways, stats are always a lie.

But collapsing chain supply due to millions of unsold W8 machines with CEOs starting publicly blaming Microsoft and investing in Android machines + millions of W8 machines NOT showing up in ANY web stat hinting large part of the 100M licenses so much trumpeted by MS are, well, unsold + widespread public uproar and laughter... all of this probably is not lying.



Microsoft conceals job ad in Bing homepage


Re: I may add...

20 years of crappy software cannot be forgotten in 3 years of Windows 7 - and by the way with 8 they are attracting more and more laughter.


Re: I may add...

"I not always user IE, but when I do MS is so happy that offers a job to me..."


It is about free advertisement for MS, with you and me talking about it...


I may add...

...I would never hire a tech guy who uses IE and searches using Bing...


The little cynical b4sta7d inside me thinks: "it has more to do with free advertising, being the news re-published by tech websites, than with tech value of browsing that abandoned search site with an abandoned browser in a 'look, I'm a techie' mode on."

My inner voice has spoken...

Steve JOBS finally DEFEATS the PC - from BEYOND THE GRAVE


Re: Colour me shocked

Yes, a 25% contribution if you look at actual sales.

Google tells Microsoft to yank its new WinPhone YouTube app


"Who live by the API, die by the API"

Microsoft honcho pleads with media: 'Stop picking on us!'


It has to be expected

They blamed beta testers that downloaded 1/3 of Win8 betas than Win7 betas

They blamed OEMs of not being happy to the murder attempt called Surface, and for not accelerating their suicide stuffing the supply chain of w8 machines no one wants due to w8 itself

They blamed developers of being not happy of the coup-d'etat attempt for becoming the sole software distributor with Store

They blamed journalists for not buying their hipe and dare criticizing W8, effectively pressuring to remove many bad reviews and feedbacks.

They blamed usability expert to have bashed Metro UI that is more focused in selling ads than being usable...

The next move is blaming users for not understanding how great they are, of course, what else would you expect?


"In this world where everyone is a publisher"...

MS wants to impose 8 to be the only one with the right to publish software, and so, news/social/aggregator reader apps, and so, to influence news!

Thank you Mouth of Microsoft, you could have not spoken more clearly!

Ubuntu dev proposes new package format for mobile apps


Up to yesterday anyone pointing out installer systemS fragmentation on Linux is crazy was taunted like a troll. Today suddenly it is magically either

1) Ubuntu team become a lair of trolls


2) the installation/distribution panorama on Linux become a crazy mess needing mending?

Coke? Windows 8 is Microsoft's 'Vista moment'. Again

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"a dash of mass user re-education"

So, this people think forcing user toward a model based on "a single (MS approved, adware based, heavily sandboxed) application at time" is educating users that are currently accustomed to multiple applications at time, some free, some Open Source, distributed as the author likes and not requiring MS approval?

Well Ballmer, if you start from no product as Apple and Google and roll out a sandboxed, dictatorial store based, single app at time, in application ads laden environment, you may succeed and be praised being it better than nothing... You may even end creating a brand new market and quickly monopolize it.

But if you start from an environment where MS approval is not required and you impose it, you'll p1ss off developers, if you start with users accustomed to multiple windows and say it is legacy and the future is a single full screen app at time (like in DOS...) people will laugh at you, if you stubbornly refuse to improve touch on Win32 to roll out a maimed competing api like RT that is barely capable to accomplish what was done on Windows 1.0, the world will midll3 finger you.

You cannot compete ruining what your product has better than your competitors! You should focus on what your competitors does better: improve touch on Win32, roll out a good app launcher in Win32, deprecate ridiculous low screen resolutions careless oem pushes on ridiculously sub-par products, support accelerometers and GPS, integrate sim card by design (no more ceezy chinese drivers please!), and please take an iPad in your hands and understand why people prefer handling it rather than a cheap squeaky plastic PC with multicolor leds flashing in your eyes by design when you try to watch a movie in your dark room.

That is what just happened to Windows 8, a slightly improved Windows 7 stubbornly hidden by Microsoft after a Windows 1.0 like user interface, by design getting all the way in user's workflow, and commercially marketed as if the good 7 part is dead and the future is a reinvented wheel not better than mid-80's games user interfaces.
