free as in
Let's not forget also that Debian is free as in by the people for the people. No Canonical or Red Hat steering this. Debian is the Tunisia of operating systems.
48 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jul 2007
I've been opening docx in OOo 3.1 for months already. Perhaps you had an earlier version?
Somehow can't see Oracle taking care of OOo the way Sun did, but let's hope so. Desktop Linux (as in for use in displacing MS from offices and schools, not as in "Abiword and K-office do everything I need") is very heavily dependent on OOo.
I have a house packed full of machines running linux. I would estimate about a dozen, mostly given to me by friends, though I have bought at least three of them new and two second hand. Plus I have a young wife and 3 kids who let me go surfing every weekend or when the waves are good. I have never used a VM and don't know how. Real computers for a real life.
<quote>The default Xandros is rubbish, I wonder if ASUS do it deliberately to get people to use XP.</quote>
Good point. the linpus on the aspire one is as bad as it sounds. update broke networking, useful apps wouldn't install (dependency hell), no LAN browsing, sound not working properly. I put Lenny on mine, but I bet ordinary users take it back and get XP.
These companies are giving linux a bad name amongst the general consumer public by installing badly home-customised distros. Just what MS ordered!
I never quite understood why they called this "Advantage". Surely its to your disadvantage if you have to shell out cash to keep using your computer?
Like the Microsoft "permissive" licence I suppose, and "open" XML.
Anyway, good on them for dis-alienating their future user base. Maybe the Chinese will turn to free software instead.
You backward limies make me laff. "Fast" you call it. I have had 100Mbps in my house in Japan for about 5 yrs now. So has everyone else I know. And it costs me less than my mum pays for 512k ntl "broadband".
But I know why Britain is no longer Great. Its because of generations of eating detergent caused by failure to rinse the dishes.
actually if you type terminal instead of xterm, it will look nicer and have a better font.
the worst thing about the aspire one is lack of nw browser. if you work on various networks and need to mount samba shares, then you need to know them and type mount commands. Unless you install pyNeighborhood, but that only seems to work on public shares.
actually the really worst thing is the useless battery.
then there's the rpm based distro. acers repo seems to be offline sometimes also.
apart from all that, its a great little machine if you wanted a 901 but they only had windows and you didn't want to add yet another + to MS sales.
have a children's model phone. It has a built in alarm and GPS that at the flick of the emergency switch sounds a loud alarm and simultaneously calls my wife and shows her a map of where the phone is located. Being a kids phone, it is limited in what else it will do.
Of course these features are rarely needed in japan, but it means they can go to football training and kumon by themselves, enjoying the kind of freedom that I had as a boy, but which is sadly lacking from today's world.
About a year ago there was a case of a pervert chasing a kid in a public toilet. Her quick thinking friend snapped him on her mobile and then ran to police station. They used the photo to track down the bastard.
Mobiles are here to stay. There's no going back. Good on the Japanese for thinking about limiting the harm.
all. It was disturbing.
The truth is in there - the sales team rocks, not the software.
What cringe worthily rubbish lyrics.
They spent a fair bit putting that together, but if they really wanted advertising, surely they would have just bought the Rolling Stones again, like they did for win95?
AC works for microsoft. An article poking fun at linux, incidently does the same to MS, and AC bites back about how bad linux is and how much better windows is.
AC works for microsoft. His job is to write `anti-everything thats not MS` and pro-MS comments on tech sites, regardless of the actual content of the article. He obviously didn't read this one, right? One of his stock phrases is "recompiling the kernel", something that most linux users have never even heard of.
You should take a look at Debian Edu. It scales to the size of all the schools in a Norwegian city. It could easily run your college for zero licensing cost. Then you could spend your adobe license and the MS bribery money (wait a minute - you still pay them to push their products on children, right?) on a bit of training for yourself. As for your CS3 brag - congrats on helping Adobe push their stuff on tomorrow's designers. Another generation of vendor lock in can only be good for software innovation right?
I couldn't agree more and I got a little insight into the way it works when I recently read the blog of the guy who let MS into the OLPC and showed them how it all works, so that they can put XP on it and extinguish Sugar.
Basically, they send really nice guys who know what they are talking about, and who probably genuinely have really good intentions. Unfortunately, those guys are the trojan horse.
Debian is completely open, meaning all debates and disagreements are public, has very firm moral guidelines, and a very clear understanding of the meaning of "free". This naturally causes tensions with people corrupted by society's norms.
If only countries/the world could be run like Debian.
Tux because where's the whirling spirit?
they have people who's job is dreaming up silly ideas, or re-wording the bleedingly obvious, and then getting them patented. the whole world violates such patents.
Didn't El Reg list a few of Bill's more recent patents, eg. "to do list"?
open source have to stop inviting MS to their conferences. it just gives them undeserved publicity ops so they can pretend to be playing fair with everyone.
Patents are supposed to protect inventors from being ripped off. How can you sell a patent to someone? (who is obviously not the inventor and therefore doesn't have anything to protect.) And they will then use this patent to blackmail random companies.
What an evil and twisted world we live in.
..on such a worthless article, that I can't resist adding one more.
Imagine some kind of soviet world where people were unhappy that the new Lada was slower than the old one, but those were the only choices.
You use what Big Brother gives you. That's why you are posting these pathetic comments on this pathetic article. Wake up from your nightmare! Rise up and tear down the wall! Start by refusing to give them your money. You can do very well with no-name machines from Taiwan or China.
is it just me, or does anyone else think that taking Debian Sid, beautifying it a bit in a hurry (those 6mnth deadlines), and then installing it on servers may not be such a good idea? Especially many servers all over your business. Why don't they install Etch on all the servers and Ubuntu on the desktops, and still use this Landscape tool?
And I second the open source question. Ubuntu doesn't play fair. They fix up Sid and keep it to themselves. When they invent something of their own, they don't even GPL it.
I'll be off then.
downloading the 11MB Navigator 4.something was an overnight, fingers-crossed download. Expensive also, when I only got 40 hrs a month with my dial up. Computer magazine CDs were actually useful in those days.
I liked the way the status bar told you how many images were left and how big they were, so you could see whether to continue waiting for a page to come in or not.
Netscape was the foundation on which Mozilla built. Respect is due - they did the right thing and open sourced it. Thanks Netscape.
..woefully wrong or does it actually take a RIDICULOUS amount of time to complete the transfer?
Real life operation:
Win XP, sempron, 512MB. Zip up my documents and transfer to USB key took a couple of minutes.
Brand new Vista dual core 2GB. Copy from USB key onto Vista took about half an hour. THEN unzipping on Vista took 2 HOURS!
Why does unzipping take so long?
<quote>Japanese don't much like windows - it's Mac terretory.</quote>
I disagree. Windows is everywhere. Many Japanese web sites are IE only. Sure, Macs are on the up, but that's just an iFashion thing. Japan loves windows much more than the begrudging west does.
<quote>Also they are rather use to small high quality laptops </quote>
True. Walk into any high street electronics store and you will find a dinky little sub notebook by Sony, Toshiba or Panasonic. The price is double (or more) the eee, but they are fully featured.
Why would I want to customise the BBC home page, when it will be reset every time I use a different computer?
Its not like they are making it useful, with bookmarks and e-mail (a la that you sign in to access. Its an index to their content. Just display it simply and efficiently, and forget this nonsense.
you mean like this:
This is fantastic! Who the hell had the time to craft such a masterpiece? And why haven't MS had it taken down? This is more than a thought crime, you know.
"Where am I today?"
"Microsoft offers the best implementation of its web standards. Period."
"We continue to be a leader and partner in slightly open source development,"
This has enough to keep me laughing for weeks.
<quote>..and schools will want their pupils to know how to use Microsoft Office.</quote>
Wrong. If schools can't teach ideals and higher morals, eg. using open standards and ethical software, then there is no no hope of ever making the world a better place. Schools are where we start to chisel away at the monopoly.
Didn't you watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
to brag about my 100Mbps (yes that's 100 base T ) fibre connection here in Japan. I've had it for about 3 yrs already, and it costs about 20 of your british quid a month, including phone and cable TV.
you are stuck in that cold and rainy techno backwater, and I'm not.
<quote>As long as we insist young employees understand how to use Windows-based software then educating them in something else is wrong. </quote>
What are you talking about? What does windows do? Runs programs and manages files, thats all, exactly like Linux does. Point click drag drop. That's all.
At my school we are 100% linux. Naturally we use OOo. Do I think kids can manage on Windows and MS Office? Of course they can, its the same, only simpler and easier (only 1 choice of everything, designed for your grandma to be able to understand)
How about this?
Zip up my documents on Sempron WinXP = 1 or 2 minutes
Transfer to stick drive
Transfer from stick to new Core Duo Vista computer
Unzip on Vista = over an HOUR.
I'm talking about a lightweight my documents, as you can see from the XP time. I think it was something like a dozen Mb.
I'm sure the poster above is right. Each file was transmitted to the RIAA and/or others for checking before being allowed to be written onto the HD.