* Posts by yourpastcatchingupwithyou

3 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2013

Actually, there is an Arapaho word for 'pliers'


Re: Journalistic Integrity

Uses for paper clips was a list we had to make at some seminar I went to with my father many years ago. I was the only one in the room who said you could use a paper clip to short circuit and bypass a security system (specifically a DELL laptop if IIRC).

Can we PLEASE make a new list? Security system short circuits aside.

Facebook's request to the flash industry: 'Make the worst flash possible'


Re: I'd buy that for a dollar!

So will the NSA ...

Erm isn't that what the article was about?

Facebook does with consent what the NSA does without? One and the same............

Ex-LulzSec bloke to spend a YEAR in the cooler for Sony hack


$600,000? Er....

How do they quantify that "loss" as due to the hacking/leaking?

It's like when companies complain of lost sales due to piracy - Can they really be sure that everyone who pirated xxxxx game/song/movie etc would actually have bought/licenced/rented etc?