Re: PICs rule
Having gone from a PL/I (and PL/X) shop to one with COBOL, I absolutely hate the restrictions the Linkage Section imposes on MVS/zOS. An address is an address.
34 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Apr 2013
DeMarco & Lister ran "coding war" challenges for a few years and got very consistent results. Turns out the key predictor of programmer productivity in the study wasn't what language they user, or IDE or framework,it was the environment and specifically if they were able to focus on their work, especially a quiet office. Decent write up at
Their book "Peopleware" should be required reading. Tagline: most technical projects fail for sociological rather than technical reasons.
When I worked for an IBM software lab in the '90s we were offered a change of contract - no fixed hours, no overtime, work where you liked except for scheduled meetings, You agreed what data you'd have something delivered and it was up to you to manage your time. We were told productivity increased and the overtime bill fell off a cliff.
If I was stuck, I could just logoff, chill, and if inspiration struck in the evening I'd work then. Sometimes I triggered security alerts as I'd work until the wee hours with US labs and then start early again next day to bring the rest of the team up to date. Nearly all my time I was working at my peak,
And it's been proven over and over how to make programmers efficient. Read Peopleware or get a starter here
I quoted from both the Old and New testaments - Paul's letters to the Corinthians are NT btw. So are you saying that christians (of your sort) are no longer intolerant of lifestyles choices such as eating shellfish (OT) or being greedy (NT) but are still intolerant of biologically determined factors such as sexual orientation?
I suppose I am pretty much an atheist these days but far from being intolerant I send my daughter to a religious school - it fits with my wife's beliefs and she's happy there. The staff are nice people and I help them raise funds for their food bank etc. It's a shame that the RC still regards homosexuality as "disordered" but they do still say "They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. "
"You also seem to be having trouble understanding the relationship between the old and new testaments... but that's a discussion for another time."
Do I? Are there other parts of either that are anti-homosexual?
And I did notice you move the goalposts - there is a difference between providing the service you normally do as a business and actively promoting a pride rally. One is business as usual (or should be), the other is going beyond normal service.
If so why are those people also not against all the other things condemned in the same books of the Bible as the ostensibly anti-homosexual ones? Leviticus? Are they refusing to serve people with tattoos, or who eat shellfish or wear mixed fibers? Paul's I Corinthians 6:9-10? Are they also refusing service to the greedy? Good luck with that. So if not, why not?
It's amazing (or should be) how many people shoot their gobs off about this case without reading up on it. Start here :
In particular ; he is required by Sweden for an interview as an immediate precursor to being charged - guess what Sweden is, like, a whole other country and has its own laws.
The charges were already debated in an appeals court and have been shown to be worth going to trial.
The UK supreme court established that what he is charged with would be a crime under UK law. Read the link, follow the links therein, then post.
He may not be guilty but it is damned clear there is a case to answer.
Wow - spectacular ignorance. A lot of user exits can only be written in Assembler. I'm primarily a java coder now developing web-based tools on WAS/unix but I spent May rewriting the TWS logon submission exit and a Rexx functional extension package to allow rexx execs to talk to MQ.
Tied in with the "apps" quote well........
I thought that largely disappeared decades back. It's certainly one of the first things you check in ITIL cases. If the CIO isn't on the board then the company will probably be fucked by the first big IT problem that comes their way because IT hasn't been involved in so many necessary things like business continuity etc.