Confusing English
does the staff have a member ?? i thought staff was the member in itself....
16 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jul 2007
i like the concept, in that, you can store 100s or maybe 1000s of ebooks in a small card and save up all the space at home... law, medicine, engineering etc wud definitely benefit from it.. the practical applications are nearly endless..
i wud give it another year or 2 and then maybe purchase "iread" from apple and subscribe to their "ibooks"..
its so depressing.. only 2 additional stories in odds n sods today... come on el reg.. wheres ur professionalism.. u guys shud know that i refresh this page about every 10 mins during my ...er valuable, productive, n creative hours.. to keep abreast with latest technological trends.. only to realize that theres nothing happening out there.. dont you disappoint me...
am sure peta must have shit in their pants and farted atleast 1000 times before sending a letter to those al guys...
human rights n peta function only in a calm and peacful democracies.. those bunch of infertile retards have no guts to raise their voice in an unfriendly territory..
as for the felines...save the lions and shoot the cats.... my 2 cents... naah.. make it a $