I enjoy my kindle but the least possible useful interface for it is a touchscreen. I get actively sore fingers using it.
I have no idea why they messed with the physical toggle of the original kindle keyboard and made the paperwhite.
47 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2013
My phone has an unfortunate habit of disconnecting when held to my ear because it assumes my ear is pressing the red disconnect button, it also has the weakest speaker I've ever heard so if its not on speaker phone and I'm in even light traffic then the other person cannot be heard at all.
I do try and use headphones and then hold the phone like a mic at a gig (upside down of course) as much as possible but sometimes the headphones go walkies so I'm forced to have a speaker phone conversation.
Annoyingly the Kindle Keyboard (original) is far superior to the later ones, Amazon seems to have just gone for touch sensitive display just because when it was far more intuitive to just hit the toggle at the side of the thing to change pages.
Ebook pricing is also still all over the place sadly.
I like e-books and I like my Kindle though, it saves so much space and its lighter and easier than carrying a book a lot of the time.
Very very unhappy with the Microsoft changes. Am going to have to be very wary incase they dump an "optional" patch on me that adds that diagnostic service back in or as is almost certain a general dodgy patch.
Also the changes to the download site make it even more annoying to download a patch.
As far as I'm aware Linked In is only actually useful to recruitment agents to prove you are who you say you are and to scan for potential mugs so they can send you unsuitable job offers.
10 times a week. (Please. Stop. Please.)
Its about the only social media account I don't have locked down to hell or use an pseudonym for. Its also the only one I need to check every 6 months to deal with the backlog of recruitment people adding me as a contact.
We're going to get TTIP'd in the arse whether we are In or Out of the EU. I can't see either Red or Blue managing to keep us away from it, in fact I see less chance of us staying out of TTIP if we leave the EU.
For me sticking in the EU means we're protected (just about) from the worst of the governments follies.
I'm still waiting for the wristband that can tell the extension of your fingers/vibration/impact from ultrasonic analysis of your tendons so it could allow you to touchtype on anything.
I was wondering where that was for a Mouse replacement, it would solve a lot of problems I'm having with my wrist in my old age.
Thats actually more of an appealing way of working than our current 5 day a week, 9-5 lifestyle (9-5, who am I kidding, we work until we drop with just enough time to go home and sleep, if we get a weekend we're lucky)
Is it a fresh sheep? Do you have to kill it yourself?
Websites are utterly foul to visit these days, many of them don't bother with backwards compatibility (LinkedIn is a bugger for this), have a horrible design for PC monitors and as soon as you hit them with a mobile browser spam you to install the app.
Most news sites are going down the Buzzfeed route for content as well, I'm watching the BBC site turn into a video infested shithole these days
Once we can convince the politicians what computers are capable of and the requirements to do so we can see IT projects work or be allocated the right resources.
Instead you have someone who doesn't use the software, tell the organisation it must have the software, then be built by people who aren't going to be there to nursemaid and test the project through to implementation and use by a range of people who aren't very skilled with computers.
I miss my Kindle Keyboard.
Got a new Paperwhite as my KK got damaged, and urgh the interface is a step backwards by a mile, and I miss those little buttons on the side that meant you could go back and forwards without touching the screen, yes touchscreen is useful, but its now actually harder for me to turn the page and oh fuck it'll be winter soon and I'll have to take gloves off... shit.
Still, the screen lights up which is useful at bus stops and low light.
No fucking shit its a security risk, so is cloud computing and I'd happily stop users using things like the Good app/BYOD but for some reason upper management are obsessed with the bastard concept, probably as it ultimately means more work for less pay from the users as they check emails in what should be downtime.
I can see the future being to integrate phones into your DSLR somehow, allowing for wireless uploading or editing on the fly. Whether this is through a clip/micro USB on the camera or something more aking to keeping the sensor on the DSLR and using the phone as the 'brain' of the camera.
I'd be curious to see if this is pre-built PC's only or custom PC's as well, HP and Dell have always been focused on the mass consumer market (and come preconfigured and filled with cr*p) so I could imagine they'd see a die off when more casual users no longer require them and use things like tablets instead.
Places like Overclockers and other third party manufacturers seem to be doing ok on a casual glance.
For some reason Film, Music and Game, companies equate every download with a lost sale, thats clearly not the case.
You do have assholes who just download it forever but then you get people who try it by pirating it and then get it or get it once its got to an affordable price (£60 games I'm looking at you...) you then have people who just download it and never watch half the crap they pirate because they are just addicted to the data and don't have time to watch or use half the shit they steal.
Hell, if I want half the books I read from the library I have to get stuck on a waiting list for a couple of weeks and make the trek to the library (they get further and further away with every new Government) sometimes you just want to read the latest GRR Martin/Gaiman/E.L. James/Whatever without all the fuss so may as well pay and get it delivered to your device.
Or torrent like a dirty pervert...