Quota exceeded
Probably went over their 15GB limit.
28 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Apr 2013
Why do you consider a self signed certificate worthless? I don't see how paying a 3rd party to sign your cert with their trusted root certificate makes things anymore secure, it just means browsers trust them by default.
If you add the self signed cert to your trusted certificates you'll know if someones trying to spoof your host or something funny is going on.
Bitcoin mining profitability pretty much boils down to the cost of the electricity you use to run whatever hardware your mining on.
People who pay for their 'leccy have moved to FPGA and now ASICS for this reason.
Since its the customers footing the electric bill GPU mining would still have been worth it for the rouge dev had he gotten away with it.
Once all the bitcoins are mind there will be transaction fees as an incentive for people to keep running "mining" rigs which compute the blockchains that make up the decentralised ledger so it wont be free to send money. Granted the fees are/will be tiny.
Also Bitcoin is not anonymous by design, it uses a distributed public ledger so you can trace every transaction on the network. e.g. Silk road sized coins wallet: http://blockchain.info/address/1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX
Granted you can "tumble" the coins which is what SR used to do to anonamize transactions.
@Blane, totally agree, I was a happy be* broadband customer for years. Be bent over backwards to try and get the highest speed from my bad line, they spent weeks tweaking profiles to get the best, stable speeds and supported me when using my own router.
Cant Imagine Sky doing that.
@AC, I dont work for EE but rent & colo a few servers and appreciate the cost of bandwidth...
The main problem is the broadband industry is in a race to the bottom on price and service gets dragged down with it.
I doubt you would have all this traffic shaping, Phorming out of user data, port blocking, connection resetting, capping etc. nonsense if providers just charged a sustainable price for a decent unadulterated service.
Of course they would still need to over sell the capacity they have to make it affordable (so long as it fits usage patterns this isn't a problem), but so long as they keep contention at reasonable levels I don't mind.
Problem is few people are willing to pay for quality these days.
Trouble is the FBI's jurisdiction (In its eyes) and other three letter agencies doesn't end at their borders.
I doubt any of the servers were on US soil, to be honest I dont think it matters where the servers are they are still vulnerable to intercept legal or otherwise by Government agencies.
A 26 letter alphabet isn't enough these days to express ones prowess or "leetness" so the interwebz have mangled numbers and other characters into a new alphabet to somehow elevate themselves above all the normal people who have agreed to standardise on English (are there other "leetspeaks" which are based on other languages???)
Advertisers are keen to get in early in emerging markets where big brands are not yet established. Think of washing powder, most westerners think Arial / Persil etc. brands are keen to indoctrinate that into the minds of people in emerging markets too even though people living there may not currently be able to afford your product they may at some point in future and as a brand you want to build that association early before your competitors get a chance to.
Agreed but what happens if the repository is compromised as has happened recently with ProFTPd?
Then the simple act of updating your system from a supposedly trusted source can infect your system.
Don't get me wrong, I much prefer the centralised Linux way of updating software but we are placing a lot of trust in the repos
In an ideal world that would be nice, unfortunately thats not the case so while you wait for that to happen I will be using Pdroid and my phone wont be leaking any info I dont let it.
The choice is yours, I was just stating that there are options out there to protect your info, now.
If you have an android phone what you need is a ROM with pdroid support compiled into the kernel, does exactly what your after, firewall for permissions. Search XDA developers for your phone and find a suitable ROM.
If you dont want to root/flash your phone there are other apps that act as a permissions firewall, LBE Privacy guard is one I used in the past but I dont think they work 100% like pdroid.
Pdroid also allows you to spoof phone numbers or device ID's so you can have the satisfaction of screwing up their nice and neat marketing data.
Facebook are in a similar position to Microsoft in that they have the users and data already. I dont think there will be the mass exodus people are predicting when the next social networking fad comes along as peaople will be reluctant to move their data to it and rebuild connections. Also why would you when everyones already on facebook?
Sounds very similar to MS lock in on software and data formats that has massively helped it keep its dominant position.
Was thinking exactly the same thing, all it will achieve is to lower the quality of .ml domains possibly even to the point where mail server admins begin blocking the entire TLD.
Then again maybe 419 scammers make up a large proportion of Mali's GDP so it can be thought of a measure to stimulate economic growth?