Ah GEM - takes me back...
I still have a GEM install on a decrepid old disk somewhere. Weekend lab project coming on. Wonder if it'll run in VMware Workstation or on ESXi... where there's a will... and a crowbar
Dabbsy - have a pint on me. Thought it was just me. I so identify with your plight. It drives me insane. Insane I tell you!!
Modern GUI design seems to be a bizare form of modern art. No other explanation. Especially the bland flat featureless garbage they are forcing on us that prodices eye-strain. Or is it just me?
Progress bar - otherwise known as the Windows Lie-bar.
I too have often done as many people here - load Google, start typing and ... nothing in the search bar! Or you end up typing in the address bar. Or a work group Skype convo that suddenly becomes aware that you are searching for slippers on Amazon, or browsing El Reg. Not that I'm ashamed of that, btw.
My wife often sticks her head into the study to see what the shouting, banging and commotion is and to rescue the family PC. And then she'll go and have same screaming fit at her work Windows 10 laptop for similar reasons. That and - well, Windows 10.
Ahhhh - technology. Doncha just LOVE it?
I hate computers really.