How has no-one mentioned...
Mac and Me!
The worst film ever produced by far.
Effectively a very long advert for McDonalds, Coke and Skittles. The McDonalds dance off is a wonder to behold.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jan 2007
I have a son with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and whilst he is not a classic Kanner type - he is still not high-functioning.
Aspergers is high functioning ASD and there is a world of difference between that and where my son lies AND then another world between where my son is and where people with low-functioning ASD are.
It is sometimes disingenuous to label every part of the spectrum as "Autism," as the range is so vast.
It is a strange coincidence that he only gets diagnosed now. I suspect that it was a private diagnosis.
From personal experience a full NHS diagnosis takes up to a year and involves many people: Paediatrician, Speech and Language, Ocupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, teachers and psychologists.
Excel is limited to something stupid like 65k rows (16 bit int size) so I doubt it was in Excel. That would mean approx 385 worksheets!
MDB - maybe - but PW protection is a pain in access and easily circumvented - what with MDA files and the like.
My money is on a huge csv (we regulary load in csvs up to 11 mill records so it is done) that was then zipped and spanned across disks; with the zip providing the much vaunted "password protection".
National insurance number
Name, address and birth date
Partner's details
Names, sex and age of children
Bank/savings account details"
BUT Thankfully this is not enough to steal money from us!!!
W T F!!
How come we here daily how Facebook will expose our personal info and we should avoid it at all costs. But releasing the above into the public domain is perfectly OK?
I think it is about time for a clear out - no Conservatives, Labour or Lib Dems - we need a new way of government. Old incompetent fools just doesn't cut it anymore.