You can't guess
What's the Chinese for "You've lost that loving feeling?"
I think you'll find its "Rou've rost that roving feering" -
73 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jul 2007
* A non-final hardware design, (every picture says design and specifications subject to change).
* Some lovely looking games technology demos from many industry big hitters. What may happen is lots of game+ editions (MGS4+, MHP3Turbo, etc) with new content, extra levels and so on in the first few months.
* A code name - NGP will not be the final system name.
* Battery life is being quoted at 4-5 hours
* Sony will sell the unit at a loss, so price could be lower than expected
* Some big names still not on the publishing list
I suppose since no one else is allowed to say what they think (outside the privacy of their own four walls) its only fair that government officials are now dropped in the same boat.
Soon having an opinion of any consequence will be criminal and, as our leaders race to the lowest common denominator, the human cesspool will drown in its own filth.
Now, here's Hank with the sport.
What's the point?
I hope that when Al Queda does decide to attack MI6, bundling out of a train at Vauxhall station for a good vantage point, surely those green glass-fronted ramparts will collapse to reveal a shed load of 50 cals and Javelin missiles to blat them into pixie dust.
As for Faslane, there's bugger all there, all the good stuff is at Coulport
Finally - go on, invade the SAS HQ, I fricking dare anyone!
In most homes there is one main television set. On that set you have a choice of channels, regardless of the number of companies. So why am I not surprised that a bureaucrat has decided that for online television you should have, in effect, one TV set for each company's channels. Do we have nine television sets in the corner of our living room, like some giant NORAD setup? No.
We can't get anything sizeable there like a platform - we can't get it back onto Earth without extreme risk of mega-flambe and it would take 14-15 years to deliver a load, therefore this is a scientific curio, but irrelevant for the rest of us.
Come back in 300 years when we've spiffo warp drives and therefore will not need petrol.
Its funny that Dr Who is the only British program that can weave its plots in a similarly intricate fashion to US shows like Lost, Heroes and so on. It might still be cod sci-fi, but its still better than 95% of the soapy rubbish we churn out. Since Hustle finished Brit TV is a sadder, reality-toss filled, place.
Paris, because she likes her plot holed
A long, long time ago
Before your company was born
We were using technology
That now, you call your own
Thanks to a crappy patent system
You think you've got a chance
But we've got prior-art on our side
So, we don't give a damn.
United Kingdom, nil points
... as the UK release list is as dead as some doodoos, ignoring Final Fantasy.
The lack of sales for God Of War, the only PSP game with a 90%+ rating on metacritic, means the console will be toast in Europe within a year as developers desert it for pastures Wii/PS3/X360.
Shame, but only following in the footsteps of GameGear, Lynx and everything else portable that doesn't have Nintendo on the box.