Re: In the Meantime...
Wasn't 'Azure' an 80s codename for covert wire tapping by the UK intelligence services? Weird that!
20 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Apr 2013
As I said earlier, Daily Mail. The only reason the Earth is warm enough to support life is the natural levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. Add more, and temperatures go up. It ain't rocket science. Even someone as ignorant as yourself could understand it, if they weren't blinded by those playing a dangerous game of misinformation (EXXon and their $1 billion a day revenues to protect). And if you start extracting info from sources other than the DM, Fox News, bought and paid for septic sites, etc, then you'd know the number of credible climate scientists that oppose AGW is tiny, even though the deniers wheel out plenty of bought and paid for charlatans.
"Your comment about overt and passive-aggressive behaviour was neatly regurgitated, where did you copy it down from?" My brain, the place I process and assess all the credible information I gather. Your comment about me having no passive side just illustrates your complete lack of understand of the concept of passive-aggression in the context I used it. You're not the brightest crayola in the pack, are you?!
My mind is wide open to new credible science. It's people like you who are close-minded. I may as well go argue on some crazy American Evangelist site as debate important matters with people as intellectually challenged as yourself and mr anonymous guy (who could well be another of your profiles).
Do you think I'm bother that I've had fun poked at me by imbeciles?! Amazing how idiots think they look clever! In fact, when people are as ignorant as you, they invariable are the ones who look stupid.
It's actually a wonder you have the time to make lunch or respond ineffectively to my comments, the time you must spend creating new accounts so you can childishly downvote other people's posts. There again, they'll stand you in good stead next time someone responds curtly to another of your provocative comments.
Ahhh! The all too predictable switch to passive-aggressive behaviour, *the* standard lateral move by those whose overt aggression doesn't appear to be getting them anywhere. And you accuse me of persecutory delusions!!
Which beggars the question, have you skipped your tranquillisers today?!
Now my turn to be facetious, enjoy your meal !
Actually, it's you who is projecting. At no time did I claim you believed in God and my dig at the Daily Mail was merely a joke, one that has appeared to go straight over your morose head.
Your pugnacious attitude alludes that you are hostile to the concept of AGW, and that certain makes you ignorant, not to mention short-sighted and reckless. The evidence is overwhelming, at least to those us who still have open minds and are prepared to weigh up all sides of the scientific argument.
Your antagonistic rhetoric also speaks volumes about you, and your nature; people who feel the need to attack and belittle others are almost always suffering from some kind of personality disorder. Therefore you are the person here most in need of professional help. Go on, seek it before it's too late and dispel those demons that implore you to attack others as a surrogate for those who have harmed you in the past.
Why? Because I don't believe in God, can see the through the Machiavellian agenda of the ultra-rich, and weigh up all scientific evidence before making up my mind, especially with regards to global issues of enormous consequence?!
Shame you don't have any arguments of your own to defend your ignorant and reckless assertions. Ain't it time you were off out for a copy of today's Daily Mail?
Isn't that novel! Someone who picks and chooses which 'facts' they wish to believe according to their own dogmatic small-mindedness accusing all others with opposing beliefs to be the ones guilty of conspiracy. Even more idiotic when the stakes are so high. That axe murderer you gave evidence against has been released on a technicality and his first stop after drinking 15 pints was the hardware store for a new hatchet. He threatened to do you if he ever got out. There's only a seventy percent chance he's on his way over to split your skull in two, so do nothing. It's not conclusively proven he's gonna harm ya! Do nothing!
And as the aforementioned unholy union of lunatics always spout, follow the money:-
ExxonMobile (largest funder of charlatan climate sceptics): $1billion a day revenue
The 99% of Climate Scientists that agree with AGW: Probably around $1billion per decade
Keep following that trail. Don't stop off at that evangelist church for more fairy tales, or Nigel Lawson's house, so he can pop open a few more £500 blood money bottles of champagne.
And the the extreme, right-winged, unholy alliance of religious nuts and the mega rich who either think God has his hand on the Earth's thermostat, or don't give a damn as their only god is money, will twist, warp and inflate that verbiage all for the sake of keeping the ignorant in the dark! And how easy it is.
To neglect the only life support system that keeps humanity alive is a very stupid and dangerous thing to do.
I came here to complain about exactly the same issue!
My Core i5 2.4Ghz Sandy Bridge laptop with 8GB of ram running Windows 7 64-bit SP1 and Firefox 23.0.1 also slows to a crawl when that damn O2/Nokia advert is displayed. I've also got the latest version of Flash, as well as everything else being bang up to date on my machine.
The page splutters and stalls. If you try and scroll down the page nothing happens for a few seconds. and everything is extremely unresponsive.
"we tend not to eat dairy cattle in this country."
How humane! Except, farmers tend to cut the throats of the male dairy cattle calves and dump them outside the the premises of the local pack. Hence the signs and cameras outside their premises threatening people who dump carcases with prosecution. And hence the reason farmers support the hunt.
You obviously didn't bother to dig around in the options menu in Firefox to see what was new. Or check Flash hadn't allowed peer assisted crapo again once the new version installed. Or defrag any mechanical HDDs. Or virus check after all was updated to make sure nothing nasty had been slipped through (DivX update wanted 4 programs to have access through my firewall).
If you just blindly click 'ok' and trust, then it's only 5mins work.
When someone plants a bomb to blow up random innocent people it's that merciful God bloke showing his displeasure again! Yet if someone throws a drink out a car window at one of the Phelps kids holding a grossly offensive placard (Louis Theroux's program), then it's "they are such cowards, who would hit a child?" !!
The choleric, hate-filled idiots at the WBC can't even maintain a coherent, or logical line.
Leftist, eh!?
It appears that American, religious right rhetoric is becoming more commonplace in the UK. If you care about our global life support system (ie. the environment) then you must be some kind of atheist leftist, as God is the only person with his hand on Earth's thermostat and therefore able to make changes.