9 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Apr 2013
How about Pinocchio?
I tried Old Reader for a while, decided it wasn't for me, so I moved to InoReader. Brilliant replacement for GR.
Phase four: The Red Mound - get rid!
Bloody hell! Do you work for BT? Vanishingly thin margins? That's probably why BT have only spent £365,000 of the 1B they were supposed to invest to match the 1.2B invested by the Government.
So BT and BSkyB walk hand-in-hand!
Only one word springs to mind here: GREED!
Substitute "God" for "Luck"!
Easy remedy for the: "PC Market Facing Worst-Ever Slump In 2013".
Drop your prices you greedy mother-fondler's!
Cor blimey.