* Posts by Mick H

6 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Apr 2013

HURRI-KANO: Raspberry Pi kit for kids STORMS past funding target

Mick H

Is barbie pink commercially available? I recon it is.

Mine's the one with the David Dickinson orange tint.

Mick H

Dear Santa,

I would like would like a Pi combined with a entry level 3D printer, and the 1st project being making a case for the Pi. Maybe also a box of components so I can build a PSU, then the sky is the limit.

You THINK you're watching your LG smart TV - but IT's WATCHING YOU, baby

Mick H

Re: For shame

I read this on the BBC 1st

Autopilot guides Texan plane home from a dizzying 30,000m

Mick H

Its a great time for the maker community, loads of nice tech toys to play with these days and this just shows how high we can fly =)

Can't wait for LOHAN to show her colours.

German ransomware threatens with sick kiddie smut

Mick H

I wonder

How many users will report this nasty. With so many users machines containing illegal mp3's movies etc, would those users be so eager to report it. Or will they just trash the family laptop and buy a new one.

Coat because I need to keep clean whilst diving into those bins. =)

BitTorrent opens kimono, gets out one-to-many streaming tool

Mick H
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Well it works

Just tried it with windows 7 using firefox. Works very nicely, now BBC take lessons and fix iPlayer =)