I was fascinated by the possibilities of recording all this data. Theoretically it would give you the objective data to learn something about yourself that say, a visit to the doctor would never be able to give you.
The problem though is that even after you have all the tools and have found in yourself whatever it requires to be fastidious enough to keep track of the data day after day, you still need to work out what to do with it. Looking at the community it seems that a large number of them are keeping track of this information as an end in itself. Knowing how many smoothies I've had over the year doesn't really lead me anywhere interesting.
To answer more interesting questions like "does my coffee intake affect my concentration" or "how many hours sleep are needed to make me feel at my best during the day" requires you to do something that most people cannot or will not do and that is cut out all of the variables that interfere with the data. Unless you want to check yourself into a lab for six months its going to be almost impossible to discover anything useful.