Ignore the man behind the curtain, ignore the curtain.
There is no security issue here for the masses. No one cares about the crap on your phone and if you lose it the chances are slim to none that the person who finds it has the expertise and equipment to break into it and see your playlist and pictures of your dog.
Of course if you are using your phone as a debit card that's another story but still the odds are that whoever finds it won't be able to do anything with it.
If you are concerned about security, you should worry less about Apple's OS and more about the apps you download and the websites you visit. Of course you may also be a real dummy and open up all kinds of phishing emails and click away in which case you deserve everything you get. You are too stupid to own a smart phone.
You don't need to lose your wallet or have the mailbox outside your house rifled through in order to have identity theft. No one cares about that, the name of the game as in everything else is volume. Hackers go after oceans of data, not your puddle.
People would do well not to worry to much about all this for a simple reason, you are insignificant and nobody really cares about you at all. Turn off the news and go fishing, golfing or whatever.
As for the government, believe me, if they want to know anything about you they will find it out whether they have a backdoor or not but I would bet money that no readers of the Register are even the smallest of blips on government radar. If you are on their radar you probably put yourself there in which case it's time to come up with plan B.
Large scale societies already give one the best possible defense: anonymity.