Re: Well, let's summarise this.
I think we need to distinguish here between emissions and efficiency. AFAIK VW are being accused of cheating the emissions tests to improve real-world fuel economy.
Of course car makers tune their cars to get the best fuel economy on the "standard cycle" used for tests. How close you personally get to these values then depends on how closely your personal set of circumstances (driving style, conditions, terrain, climate.....) meet the homologation conditions. I usually beat the "manufacturers claims" for fuel efficiency as my commute is handily medium speed and flat-ish terrain. I also don't floor it, mainly as there is no point on UK roads. You have to travel at the speed of the prevailing traffic.
The manufacturer fuel economy figures are there to give you an indication of how good car A is compared to car B, under a certain set of conditions. What we all need to be made more aware of, as the buying public, is what those test conditions are. Perhaps the standard test should also include a "boy racer" mode....