* Posts by startstuff

7 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Mar 2013

Google unveils Windows 8.1 zero-day vuln – complete with exploit code


Sick and tired of microsoft

Microsoft is not the company that they used to be, after all they have been always the same but the OS options that we have today is what will make windows obsolete especially the fast adoption of Android and iOS on tablets and phones.

I turned off microsoft automatic updates because the upgrades are often worse than viruses or vulnerabilities. How many times I've read that I should uninstall a MS update because of the new 'problems' it created? Too many times so when I see that nefarious icon informing me that there is a new update I just wait a week and see if there are no complaints and then install it

If they can't release a 'clean' update what makes you think they can fix something in 3 months?

Sorry but windows 7 is the end of the road for me, I own Macs and linux machines and I feel perfectly safe and happy using those OSes, besides everything is migrating to Android/iOS and the PC is becoming less and less important. I migrated from Adobe creative suite (dreamweaver) to KomodoIDE for linux and Mac, right now I'm downloading the Altera QuartusII for linux, I run ARM programming tools in Linux.

I just have to find a way to migrate my ICOM scanner software to linux or Mac and I'll be done, maybe emulation or something else.

Gigabit-over-TV-cable spec DOCSIS 3.1 passes interop test


Re: What's the frequency range?

The 'frequency range' is the same as DOCSIS3.0 the thing that changed is the modulation (orthogonal versus QAM256), the number of bonded (upstream/downstream) channels and the 'split'.

Sorry, chaps! We didn't mean to steamroller legit No-IP users – Microsoft


I am one of those infected.

I have a paid account with noip.com and all my hosts suddenly disappeared (home security cameras and computers, friends and clients). I didn't know what happened until I read the news.

I found out that all my hosts were infected by malware mainly windows 7 and internet explorer.

Poor microsoft they can't help it they were born with a virus up their butts. It is like confiscating all GM cars because someone used an Chevrolet Impala to commit a crime, smart very smart.

Looking forward for compensation in the form of a class action lawsuit.

Microsoft's JavaScript challenger nears 1.0, wins Visual Studio love


Embrace and extend

Remember Microsoft's 'embrace and extend' plan for java? Sun designed Java to work in ANY operating system but MS made sure it only worked in MS PCs thus the "embrace, extend and exterminate" DOJ's joke phrase. Can anyone remember the name of MS's java development package?

I'm afraid that this TypeScript compatible javascript language is not for many of us.

Bitcoin laws are coming: US Senate launches virty currency probe


Typical American politics... we didn't invent it, we don't know how it works, it is out of our jurisdiction but we want to control and tax it. Think about it It's for the 'childrens'

'Look, give us Snowden' - this Friday's top US-Russia talks revealed


Re: I miss the good old days of the Cold War

"What the hell happened to my country?"

We are in a steep decline and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Microsoft says WinPhone outselling iPhone, BlackBerry


Cheap phones

Probably you'll find one of those phones inside cereal boxes.