I for one...
welcome our new excretion monitoring overlords.
All hail Our Glorious Leader Larry, Oracle Chief Toilet Observer!
(Not like we even live on Bethselamin)
17 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2007
'...exactly what sort of products was set to roll out...'
Ignoring the (presumably) deliberate misinterpretation of the quotation which does imply the release of impending new iGoodies rather than any old ones, the sense of moral^h^h^h^h^h grammatical superiority didn't last long.
I for one was delighted to see the "Bwah ha ha" that shows Webster is alive and well - and let's face it, the tardy/MacTard opportunity was too good to miss.
We can all relax again, safe in the knowledge that the quality of comments on El Reg will once again have no lower limit.
Can we have some icons that range from -11 all the way up to 11 please?
"with none of the extra genes that might possibly be used for defense against other organisms, or offense in infectious processes"
Haven't followed this and know nothing about genetics, but doesn't that assume one already knows the purpose/effect of each gene (either alone or in combination)?