Re: As long as it's removable!
Check out ThisIsWin11 , it will remove the bloat and prevent re-install even after update.
No I am not affiliated, just saw an utooobe vid recently, my spud won't take 11.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Mar 2013
But isn't that the point?, 30 years ago, we only had that option. In fact my ZX48k connected by RF, but given that the Wii was apparently at the forefront of technology at that time, why not ship with HDMI ?
I bought the Wii when it was first released, spent about a week playing with it until the novelty wore off and now it's just a soft-modded coaster.
Good on 'em, it seems more and more apps are coming bundled with toolbars and such nasties, I can't help wonder that half (Ok maybe not half), of the security issues users suffer are down to these toolbars.
Users blindly clicking through, next, next, next ... and given the ones where you have to tick the box to confirm you do NOT wish to install said tooldbars.
Now if only the likes of M$, take note.....
He's not changed his number, all he's done is point his main CLI to an 0870 number, which he than hands out the 0870 number to businesses, or fills in on web forms. You can still hand out the original CLI ie 0161 for example, to your friends and family, they will only get charged at the normal rate.
Am I missing something here, yes you can use OPENDNS, however your traffic is still routed through your ISP, and as they will be the ones applying DNS filters, I don't see what difference using OpenDNS offers, as the DNS ranges are still blocked ?
Also the way I see it, using automatic filters that trawl, are not selective, they'll just block anything remotely related to what the filters are being asked to block. Given then if someone was to hack a site and plant nasty images et cetera, how long would it be before the DNS filters kick in and block what was a legitimate site ?
Also if I was to say look for an online source for Viagra & the potential side effects, would that also be blocked as it's remotely linked to what the filters are being asked to block.
This hasn't been thought out in the slightest.
Filters are not selective in what they block, humans are.. let us decide ourselves what is / isn't appropriate, not some idiots in parliament who run fetish parties!.
If M$ do decide to go down the "Always On / Always connected' path, I for one will not buy another console from them.
I have two 360's atm, one for media and the other my sons, however I let the gold membership expire, and I now cannot even use the internet on either console unless I pay M$ for a membership fee. Utter nonsense!.
It's already been mentioned that not everyone can have an always on connection, so why would you opt for a console that you can only play when your online, add to this that M$ want us to stop using pre-owned games and only use the games they want us too, I think NOT!.
I payed good monies for these consoles, I should be able to play and use them how I wish (within legal realms), if that be online or offline / a new game or a game I've bought pre-owned so be it.