* Posts by Corporate Scum

62 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2007


$350B DoD nuke makeover efforts lack oversight, say inspectors

Corporate Scum

"some of the cash infusion could be wasted"

Which portion of that again? I expect that the to an outside observer most of the money spent on the actual work will also be wasted. Band-aids on decades old designs, building tools for a type of warfare that never existed, instead of the tools that are a fit for the future.

Coffee Meets Bagel outage caused by cybercriminals deleting data and files

Corporate Scum

oof, this is going to get worse isn't it.

All the careful weasel words. "an outside actor who maliciously deleted company data and files" "We quickly re-established a secure environment" "as soon as we've pieced everything together"...

Be honest, the company was owned. The attackers wiped their systems, which means they almost certainly had read access to the data they wiped. The only carve out was for financial data held by third parties. So by inference, the attackers probably had access to all customer data not held by third parties. They know it is worse, but they are waiting till the news cycle cools off before they dum the bad news, probably and 8pm on a Friday or under other bigger news.

It's not Ashley Madison, but this sounds like the start of another blackmail/extortion kick.

But don't worry, they are giving you a two week extension and 1000 magic beans, not redeemable for cash or other services. That's fair right?

AI on AI action: Googler uses GPT-4 chatbot to defeat image classifier's guardian

Corporate Scum

What fool

Has been feeding the papers on adversarial attacks on language models to the conversational models?

Did the not get the memo? Do they not know the magic word?

These amateurs will eventually be the end of us, not the telephone sanitisers...

I've seen things you wouldn't believe, like an atom about to photosynthesize

Corporate Scum

Raise one lads

This is some proper science.

A pint from me if I should ever meet any of them.

IPv6 for Dummies: NSA pushes security manual on DoD admins

Corporate Scum

MIGHT have them turned on.

And the settings are under user control, AND may limit or complicate correlation of logs.

This won't end the holy wars, but in this context, DHCPv6 makes sense. You get control, visibility, and reliability for any device that recognizes it, and off the shelf tools to handle clients that don't and isolate them from the rest of your secure network.

Microsoft's Lennart Poettering proposes tightening up Linux boot process

Corporate Scum

There are villains and LP is also one of them

Not the only one, and perhaps in the fullness of time not the worst. But is refuses to work with the community once he has decided in his head how he wants to do something, he has no heed for causing problems for other teams or end users, and makes no attempt to limit the sprawl or isolate the scope of his work to the minimum needed to solve the problem at hand. He has done this over and over.

The key line from the article was that comment about "needs some work". I've seen LP ramrod one major change after another into the Red Hat code base while ignoring negative feedback and alternate ideas to many times. The secure boot process needs work, and it needs to be done by people that can take criticism and will change their approach if someone points out issues with what they are doing. And it absolutely needs to treat parties other than Microsoft and Red Hat as first class citizens.

Happy to see him do it the right way for a change, but his performance is remarkably consistent in that regard, all the way back to the pulse audio train wreck. Putting him up for this task is like putting a cruise ship operator up for running the NHS.

Don't believe the hype: HP CEO says 3D printing hasn't met early hopes

Corporate Scum

Also perhaps

"HP Inc. CEO Enrique Lores says orders for 3D printers are falling short of early promise"

Perhaps their expectations were unreasonable. Some here have dogged HP's efforts on quality/price. Never used theirs in particular, but a good few other brands, also laser cutters, water jets, plasma and a few other toys.

The way these things work means that the main stream end-user use cases are pretty limited. The machines are all a bit finicky, and just being able to print something just saves you shipping and batch ordering if you can't build or modify models. And building printable models isn't a mainstream home user skill. HP management listened to the hype and chased a phantom market. They found at least some success in the market that actually exists, skilled tinkerers and professionals. That isn't a market that will save their collapsing growth forecasts. It won't save the company, or turn around the brand.

Additive printers are exactly the sort of product old Hewlet-Packard would have thrived on in the old days though. But as a company HP has shed it roots in test equipment and technical products. In the old days the company had dozens of small volume product lines. They made high quality gear, and while the individual lines made a healthy profit over costs, the total sales of most of them were a rounding error on the balance sheet during the boom days of cheap pc's and toner that cost more than the printer.

HP forgot how to be the company that it used to be, but that doesn't seem to have prevented management for falling into that "remember when we were cool" trap. Just because the cool kids are talking about 3d printing doesn't mean they can rehash their failing business model of mass producing cheap hardware and selling it to home users for a low entry price and eye watering supply costs. They cut the scientific equipment lines as a "cost cutting" measure when the PC and ink boom lost momentum. That didn't turn a sinking ship into a new boom though.

As it turns out, especially for people that don't have modeling skills, it's cheaper and faster to have someone ship small plastic bits that are less than about a 2' cube. And those things can be made a scale, from parts with optimized materials and so on. That's not going to change anytime soon, and most home users want products, not parts. So HP has tried to once again fit a large peg in a small hole. Or market projections based on inflated hype into the reality a small volume market more specifically.

Much as I hate on the company, I'd have loved to see a world with sub 1,000$ SLS machines though.

Firefox points the way to eradicating one of the rudest words online: PDF

Corporate Scum

Re: Portable Document Format

Yeah, I agree that's not what it's for. Expecting it to be able to reflow text and graphics to look pretty is the opposite of what is is designed to do.

Though if you have ever tried to extract and reconstruct text from inside PDFs, it becomes apparent that just being able to draw it on the screen or print it leaves plenty of lose ends. Searchable text has to be carefully composed when the document is produced or scanned, as does selectable text. Early PDF files became page sized graphics files that also mysteriously bloated to 30x the size of an actual scanned page. Clickable links are dangerous, but justifiable. How do you print the output of an interactive video player though? It's become a mess.

They betrayed their own good idea when they threw in the kitchen sink and a side of bread sticks. But the central idea of presenting an accurate reproduction of the source document regardless of the viewer or platform has it merits. I do think it's worth cleaning that idea up so that structured text can still be extracted from them, if for no other reason then for them to be intelligible for a screen reader. Try that with the PDF of your washing machine's owners manual.

Serious surfer? How to browse like a pro on Firefox

Corporate Scum

Hey thanks for taking the time

It's rare to hear from someone involved in these projects speaking about the "what's and why's" like this. Maybe our host author will ping you for a follow up piece. I for one would love to read a deep dive into the alternative browser scene as well as more about your project. I am going to take a closer look at Pale Moon, as I hadn't looked closer at it primarily out of concerns it was to stale from a security patching standpoint. Glad to see you guys are closing bugs pro-actively.

So again, thanks for chiming in. Nice to see a gem in the stream of bad politics and troll posts that fill any open web forum without overly aggressive content moderation these days.

Corporate Scum

Re: Not for me, I'm afraid.

And thanks for that, there were a few gems in here. I still haven't quite given up on Firefox, but their all out war on UI customization has them hanging by a thread as far as I am concerned.

Glad to see a version of Livemarks back, but while their RSS code was apparently toxic waste when it was abandoned, the new plugin model is a performance killer if you follow a lot of feeds. And in the time that it was gone a bunch of sites that had been long time RSS holdouts droppped their feeds permanently. (thanks to the Reg for keeping those lights on for us!)

That said, the "edit the deep magic config file" secret squirrel settings are usually the last gasp of a feature before it is pruned from the code base. Seems like what the team does. So I'm not enthused about trying to live that way anymore.

Feels like Firefox is a failed relationship at this point, where people stay together because they haven't met someone else yet. I don't date like that, but I can chose to be single, I can't choose to not use a web browser unless I also choose to be homeless. Still, friends keep trying to set me up with other browsers, most of which are just re-skinned versions of my exes.

California asks people not to charge EVs during heatwave

Corporate Scum

Re: Odd statement ... There are four lights...

"The top three conservation actions are to set thermostats to 78 degrees [25˚C] or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights"

That's four things, dunce. Surprised the eds didn't Sic that one..

Also, maybe mention why the residential users are the only ones being called out on for this stuff, and mention that those running their own renwables don't need to unplug their fridge and sweat in the dark eating spoiled bologna sandwiches.

VMware customers optimistically wait for Broadcom’s impact

Corporate Scum


But while the article is a bit fawning, Simon appears to be writing it from inside a VMware press event, which in addition to being a very biased sample of the VMware user base, might discourage a more impartial write up.

I mean it's the Reg: "Integrity? We've heard of it" is what happens to the other hand, when another vulture is busy "Biting the hand that feeds it"

And to be fair, the rag has covered our concerns about the takeover for some time, and given us this fine space to point out the articles smash mouth coverage of the issue. (Meant in the best tradition of ball busting, there are realities to fallout from calling out the master of the house in the middle of their own press event, and tech companies can be petty and hold grudges. Remind me when was the last time the Reg was invited to an Apple event?)

Someone at the show ask Simon if he feels dirty and then wash him down with a bottle of scotch. I'd offer, but we already grabbed coat and hat, where we are going doesn't involve spending time at an ex-vendors trade show.

Cloudflare tries to explain why it protects far-right forums that stalk and harass victims

Corporate Scum

Weaver and Caraballo are wrong, but why let subtlety get in the way of hyperbole

Cloudflare is in a tough position here, but has staked out a rational and nuanced policy to balance both its responsibilities and liability. The lines they have drawn amount to: we will not host or amplify this content, nor will we assist those who wish to erase it from the internet to do so in an extrajudicial manner.

They are in the right there. Just as the trolls at Kiwi Farms shouldn't be doxxing people and harassing them, those that want them shut down just because they say so have plenty of legal avenues they aren't using here. The only almost salient point was that it makes it harder to pin the IP of the publishing server at a purely technical level, which is also irrelevant as they can reveal that with a court order. The sites activity and history give them ample grounds to work through the system, that's not what they are asking for. They want to be able to take direct action themselves, sans safeguards or oversight, instead of letting the people who's job it is to investigate, prosecute, and sanction criminals in either the operators or the victims jurisdictions. They are in essence vigilantes.

The investigation into the swatting incidents they spawned may end up shutting them down, but I'd rather we draw a line where we don't get in the habit of suppressing controversial speech without a legal investigation or court proceeding. Due process and all that. That is separate from nailing those involved for harassment and other criminal actions they have taken or concealed.

As a bonus thought, chasing them off a host providing the minimum of service and which can point the Feds to which server to raid to get evidence, redirect traffic to or through law enforcement, etc etc might be helping the trolls more than it hurts them.

Why you should start paying attention to CXL now

Corporate Scum

There is alot more here

As this layer is tying together links that were titchy to extend. The memory pool has it's uses, but the performance hit that will come with it will hit that application harder then extending the message passing layers, tiered storage, and network io. Also seems to have some GPU specific enhancements. All of these are of as much or more interest to those of us feeding I/O bound applications and trying to pool resources between nodes.

If the description of this new iteration lives up to the hype I could build a box that could chew through a considerable number of packets. It will be nice to have something to work with that is actually designed to do this. We home build a few things in years gone by, which was a PITA to support. Anyone wonder what the inter box links will look like?

Obscure Asian fintech AMTD Digital becomes the new GameStop

Corporate Scum

Re: What’s Good for the Goose, is Good for the Gander

Dammit, this one got me too, skimmed right past it the first time, then I saw your reply and re-read it.

I'm a little worried now, as thinking a amanfrommars post makes sense is a clear sign of either a stoke or a psychotic break, and I don't smell toast. I wonder if the PFY at the desk next to me spiked the break room coffee pot again? It's gonna be a weird standup meeting.

Small nuclear reactors produce '35x more waste' than big plants

Corporate Scum

Look in the mirror

Unless you are legally named VoiceOfTruth you are doing what you are accusing.

Plenty of people here post as AC because they are more worried about how their words will be received then the tag attached to their post. I usually do.

On a slightly different note, you may want to take a breather. You are getting pounded into the ground like a tent stake here. There are decent arguments on your side, but you are so wound up you are not making them. You are just digging a hole for yourself, and it's getting deep enough your dragging down your side of the argument with you. If you really care about the issue, be an effective advocate for it.

If you just want to rant in a forum, well, this is the internet, have at it, but the ratio isn't going to get better unless you start using some of the better arguments your side has. I'm split on the issue, as I see both the peril and promise of it, but I've opposed most of the proposals I have seen on the particulars.

If you want to score some hits, those details matter. Even if the reactor itself is being operated safely, if the operators plan is to close the plant, declare bankruptcy, and stick the locals with a multi-billion site cleanup you may be able to move the needle.

Timekeeping biz Kronos hit by ransomware and warns customers to engage biz continuity plans

Corporate Scum

Khronos with a K

You know, the Greek titan type that's prone to eating their own young.

"K" Khronos (the company, which is definitely not a titan) is one of those vile leviathan dinosaurs that persists despite pursuing a decades long business strategy of maximizing pain for the end user. No surprise then to see them faceplant in the face of ransomware. While I pity the responders at the coal face, this is the byproduct of a entrenched culture that set the height of the bar at "just barely good enough run". I literally remember my dad complaining about them back in the paper puchcard days when it was probably running on an AS/400 mainframe. Those complaints continued until he retired decades later.

I'm sure there is some Khronos exec that smugly though that "It's your responsibility to ensure continuity of business planning for our services" was a great way to justify cutting corners. If it were my outfit (thank god it's not) I'd be engaging the "switch to a new payroll provider" paragraph of that plan. Then again, if I had any sway over the payroll department, we wouldn't have been using either Khronos or our current provider. So my probably undeserved paycheck this month will arrive because of luck and the fact our back office aren't masochistic to inflict Khronos payroll on themselves.

Real-time crowdsourced fact checking not really that effective, study says

Corporate Scum

Re: Will anyone make it this many pages in

...Perfect. For this one brief moment, you are my plastic bag spinning in the breeze.

Corporate Scum

Will anyone make it this many pages in

to read me asking if anyone else found it perfect that a Godel is listed on the paper? [probably no relation] I feel like the elder Kurt had some advice on the calculability of certain problems and statements of truth made on same.

My guess is that this is right before the part where the managers of these projects start using interesting new phrases like "manufacturability issues". For those that noticed a funny red line on that one, it's not your spell checker, it's a predictive failure warning for future earnings. If you didn't see one, you might want to ask why your company is using the term so often, and who added it to your dictionary. That person is probably either valuable or a public menace.

But hey, in this case it appears the fact that people "solving" this problem in industry are unaware of the contributions of a 115yo mathematician to their field kind of illustrates the core of the problem the paper addresses. Some problems aren't reliably or efficiently solvable by either crowdsourcing of current ML technology. Some problems require domain specific knowledge. Realtime content moderation embodies both.

As some free advice to those considering making a career of this. It's harder than it looks... and you will fail.

Ghosts in the machine learning pipeline will be impossible to exorcise

Corporate Scum

Moving on.

Yeah, there are some grim ethical dimensions to this that make me feel that the realized version of this idea may not be very good for people.

That said, when faced by the sudden and irrevocable loss of a loved one, I could see how a person could find a measure of solace from an avatar of the person helping them to move on. That last point is pretty important. Most of the portrayals of this idea point out the many ways it goes wrong though.

I fear that we are more likely to suffer things like the chatbot in the last season of Westworld, with models architected to manipulate, and to string their user along into dependency. Worse, very little in our legal system would prevent the operator of one of these systems from trying to convince the target that the person was still alive.

So nice of China to put all of its network zero-day vulns in one giant database no one will think to break into

Corporate Scum

Won't Google post when their self enfored time limit pops?

So as to force more prompt action from vendors that drag their heels. Not really the same thing as keep quiet and wait for the patch.

And the CVE- database doesn't have the same information the Chinese seem to be mandating.

The blurb here also doesn't mention how far back a vendor is expected to ship patches for, which is a big question as well.

Oh hello. Haven't heard much from you lately: Linux veteran Slackware rides again with a beta of version 15

Corporate Scum

My friend has a 14.2 box that's still running.

And by that I mean it hasn't been rebooted since it was installed. Lets face it, is Slack really a general purpose desktop OS? Is it trying to be?

Sometimes boring stability is exactly what you want. The Slackware ethos works for some of us precisely because it doesn't pack a bunch of cruft. Sure, other distros can be stripped back down from the kitchen sink defaults, but when I want to build a box to do a thing, I'll put what I need on it. Most other distros that are still "sexy" have done a ton of work to specialize and customize things. That means if you are going to build a new Kernel or have to compile an application from source you have to worry about jamming up the web of dependencies and customization from the distro. Much less so with Slackware's minimalist approach. I only really wanted a shell and ssh anyway, not the latest Gnomificated desktop madness. And less Lennart.

That's not for everybody, but it's nice that there is still the happy balance between the worlds of Linux and BSD.

OVH reveals it's scrubbing servers – to get smoke residue off before rebooting

Corporate Scum

Re: OVH's experience might be useful

Only those who have experienced it have the chance to do such a thing.

It took YEARS for a definitive write up on the acoustic shock issues with whole room Halon systems despite decade of experience with post dump equipment failures. Why? People didn't do a proper post-mortem, or it got buried instead of sharing it with the outside world.

As it turns out, there was an issue with the dump nozzles, which no one designed to operate at a reasonable pressure level. So the system was as loud as a bomb going off and would slam things like drive heads and other shock sensitive components.

This fire will expose similar lessons, but they have to be understood, captured, and shared.

Recovery time objective missed by four weeks, but Parler is back online

Corporate Scum

Re: Arguing in bad faith yet again

Selfawarewolf much?

Disagreeing with the Israeli policy in Palestine is not the same as being antisemitic, Khameni is not ok, and you shouldn't take what the modern Zionist movement says at face value anymore than Hamas or Hezbollah.

The BLM movement isn't centered on those issues either, they just aren't turning away from the problems they see without speaking about it.

Not really a good faith argument to paint people fighting for equal rights in the US with the Khameni brush is it? Or you know, stop copy and pasting your arguments of a crib sheet and actually think for yourself for bit?

Corporate Scum

Re: err......

Not remotely a real argument.

We as conservatives need clean up our side, whether or not they do. Our side being accountable isn't dependent on what the other side does. Not that left leaning looters are rioters can(or are) getting a free pass, they are getting jail time. Also keep in mind a bunch of those "black clad looters" were organized crime operations. Ever stopped to wonder why they kept hitting pharmacies night after night, and across state lines?

Stopping the corruption in our side is like cutting out a tumor. If the left doesn't follow suit, they will suffer the same consequences we are now, ending up as a life support system for cancer. That's not a reason for us to destroy the conservative movement by letting it rot from within.

But I'm sure if you ask the cancer it will have a different opinion than me.

Watch this space: Apple offers free repairs for the self-bricking Apple Watch SE and Series 5 wearables

Corporate Scum

Re: Hah

Seiko SNE095P2, all the things the apple watch is not, and sometimes that's a good thing.

'It's dead, Jim': Torvalds marks Intel Itanium processors as orphaned in Linux kernel

Corporate Scum

Re: Gone but not forgotten

Just popped in to say "Itanic" one last time for auld lang syne.

My best to all the old timers! Authors, editors, mods, and fellow commentards. It's been a strange ride. Our vulture is all grown up, but I still remember the days when I wondered if they were selling more tshirts than ads.

Severe bug in Libgcrypt – used by GPG and others – is a whole heap of trouble, prompts patch scramble

Corporate Scum

Re: systemd and DNSSEC ?

yeah, client -> first hop DNS server addressed by a different method(DoH at the moment) where DNSSEC is more verifying that the actual DNS records are trustworthy.

DoH for transport

DNSSEC for signing

DoH is also lagging about 5 years behind in adoption :(

Atlantic City auctions off chance to hit Big Red Button and make grotesque Trump Plaza casino go boom

Corporate Scum

Re: Will DT keep all hist titles?

Please lets all push to strip him of the title of president, former president, and commander in chief. He refused to do the job when he was in office, we can take the privilege back from him for killing more Americans than Vietnam or Cancer.

That said, you can refer to him as SCROTUS whenever you want. You've earned it.

After figuring out that hope is not a strategy, SAP has a new one: We're gonna shift on-prem customers to the cloud!

Corporate Scum

The percieved impact on the european markets is interesting

I think SAP stock tanked as hard as it did because of internal problems and what SAP is as a company. They have been accumulating technical debt for years and papering over the cracks in their quarterlies with predatory sales practices. This is just when the house of cards started to fall. SAP has ruined its reputation in the industry by over promising what the platform could deliver, intentionally causing cost overruns as a sales tactic, and have failed to resolve its performance issues for decades.

The fact that SAP's stock cratered when triggered by broader market forces does not mean other companies are at grave risk for collapse. SAP was just teetering on the edge of the abyss and got nudged over. The only risk SAP represents to other companies stock price is when the make the mistake of switching to them. There is probably a viable hedge fund strategy there, shorting companies that are doing SAP rollouts.

Open Invention Network adds Microsoft's exFAT to Linux System Definition, Satan spotted throwing snowballs

Corporate Scum

Re: Does anyone here use exFAT?

Yup, and it's not my first choice of filesystems, but we need an option that allows shared media access and still supports large files and volumes. Fat32 hasn't been able to cut if for a while in that regard.

I'd have preferred M$ open NTFS, but I'm not holding my breath on that, and ExFat addresses most of those concerns. Get it into the BSDs and we might be close to being able to support any modern media as portable storage under Win/Unix/OSX which is actually a fairly big deal when you start chucking projects and VMs around.

I still dream of universal Ext support without "magic" drivers, but I'm not holding my breath on that either, though there is no justifiable reason why it's not already baked into, well _everything_ by default.

Chromium devs want the browser to talk to devices, computers directly via TCP, UDP. Obviously, nothing can go wrong

Corporate Scum

Re: Is "No" ok with you?

Though in this case I think the dialog will both fail because too many users will just enable it anyway, while also failing because people who were supposed to turn it on were like "what's an IP address?"

and as those above commented, the line about regular application software being the real attack surface is utter cow flop. A raw socket coming from an arbitrary web page and that is indistinguishable from a standard web request to the OS and firewall software is obviously a huge risk. Crap software with network access still has to be installed on the system, which we have a pretty good tools and methods to work with.

Chrome should stop trying to build a universal rootkit interface and work on keeping one ad on one tab from using 90% of your system resources and draining your battery. If they can lay that problem to rest , they may have a shred of credibility to add even more low level browser access.

Hey is trying a new take on email – but maker complains of 'outrageous' demands after Apple rejects iOS app

Corporate Scum

Open source replacement

It's the xkcd problem:


The next standard just ends up as the next proprietary extension if no one else adopts it.

We lost another good one: Mathematician John Conway loses Game of Life, taken by coronavirus at 82

Corporate Scum

Re: excited us Biologists

Emergent systems have a strange tendency to overshadow their creators. And the later work by others on his creation has gone to some strange places. For example people have built whole Turing complete state machines inside it. Some of that work has since moved on to Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft, but their is are unbroken chains of causality leading from GoL to many of those project.

The game of life was a simple tool to explore complex systems, and one that many of us have a sense of nostalgia for. Conway should be missed for many other reasons, but this little thing that I first stumbled across on a dusty 5 1/4" floppy disk cast a long shadow.

Apple: EU can't make us use your stinking common charging standard

Corporate Scum

Re: Wireless

I think that your accidentally on the right trial here, as Apple has been telegraphing(as much as they ever do) that they are trending toward going wireless. Their intransigence is likely also related to the fact their incompatible charging standards between their own products cause a major delay in their roadmap for deployment when their converged charger flamed out.

Apple is looking for a ready for prime time wireless charging system, and the current options haven't cut it. So the last thing they want is a EU mandate to support a wired connection, or an old (and bad) wireless standard.

If we have to go for another generation of wired chargers can we at least get a magnetic and unidirectional one instead of a plug and socket that will break or fill with pocket lint?

Two billion years ago, snowball Earth was defrosted in huge asteroid crash – and it's been downhill ever since

Corporate Scum

Re: Where?

Yeah, the picture in the post points to something that is very misleading geologically speaking. Also keep in mind that 2.2 billion years is a preposterously long span of time. All of the Earths landmasses have slid all over the place in the mean time, ripping apart, crashing back into each other, and ripping apart again. Those processes happen on scales of millions of years, and that time period was in the period of breakup between two supercontinents.

Don't mention the seam! Microsoft releases Surface Duo Android SDK, more on Windows 10X

Corporate Scum

Failed before they started

Because their holding it wrong.

Gaming on one of these would be a breeze if you rotate it 90 degrees. One wide screen aspect ration screen to (mostly) fit existing game and media content, and one screen to be occupied by controls for said game, along with secondary stuff that normally blocks half the main screen with HUD elements.

But as usual, some well placed and well meaning idiot convinced them that vertical split mode was in some way the right and natural way to operate a dual screen device. By mandating that as the default mode you ensure that, by default, all content loaded on the device looks like crap and is probably broken as well. Unless of course every single content developer tailors their code to "fix" the display. Which most won't.

This one decision can single-handedly doom this platform to a slow but inevitable demise. Microsoft makes it unlikely that this will be the only mistake, but this one by itself will do the job.

Ooh, watch out Google. You've got competition. Verizon has a new 'privacy-focused' search engine

Corporate Scum

Re: a long string of failures

Not coincidental, no.

Why resort to conspiracy or misfortune to explain what is clearly attributable to human fallibility?

Verizon's leadership is predatory, arrogant, and incompetent.

That's all the explanation that is needed, and unless that problem is fixed all other solutions can still fail.

Corporate Scum

Better chance as a startup

I think the idea might have been that if Verizon was going to start up a privacy focused search engine the project might have had a better chance if it was charted as an independent entity, with some autonomy from Verizon's [Toxic] leadership.

I agree that, as is, the project is DOA and a money pit if they try to make it succeed.

I suspect this is a marketing exercise to do damage control for the _INTENSELY_ shady surveillance they are already doing on their customers( including mass hijacking ssl traffic and executing a man in the middle attack on mobile web requests).

They don't need the data from their search engine, they alreay sniff your traffic, and in most cases own the customer/victim's DNS. So they already see everything they want from the search engine traffic, and will continue to do so in the future.

Sorry for all the people who work on the project that don't realize they are on the Kobayashi Maru. I expect in time all of the red shirts on Project Deathspiral will find their marching orders have already been marked EXPENDABLE.

Microsoft has Windows 1.0 retrogasm: Remember when Windows ran in kilobytes, not gigabytes?

Corporate Scum

Know your customer

Of course the survey was clickbait :) the vulture's got your goat.

I spent my entire childhood savings to buy my first real computer. The second slowest 386 they sold. It came with windows, which I deleted after a week to free up space. The straw that broke the camels back was when I tried to delete multiple files, and it thew a popup for _EACH_GODDAMN_FILE_, my memory fades, but I suspect they were also Modal.

Windows did not re-appear on my machines until 3.11 for workgroups, which joined 95 OSR2+, 98SE, 2k, and windows 7 as beloved operating systems.

XP was a beast, and the horrors inflicted on the non-pro versions are not to be spoken of, much like the releases that began with M and V. After service pack 2 It got better, and because of the long gap till 7, was remembered fondly for it's twilight years instead of troubled youth.

Windows 10 seems on a similar track, birthed in sin, the product of mediocrity(8) and some nameless horror so foul it has never seen the light of day(?Win9?), it has slowly come into its own.

Facebook: Yeah, we hoovered up 1.5 million email address books without permission. But it was an accident!

Corporate Scum

Stop calling this kind of thing a screw up.

It's been their overt strategy since the beginning. They have been sowing the wind with deceptive and predatory behavior since the beginning. Their cavalier disregard for legal business and social norms isn't a mistake, and it isn't cute.

Don't use a weasel word like "screw-up" that helps re-enforce their false narrative that these things are anything accidental. They have worked hard to ensure that the whole process is a catch-22. When they rolled out mass facial recognition, the only way was to opt-out was by creating an account and agreeing to their terms of service. In the process they would suck all of your contacts out of your phone, your email accounts, and your address book the moment you signed in, BEFORE you could get to the opt out screen.

If you did opt out, they never removed the data they had already stolen. That's deliberate strategy, going on over years, exploiting weak oversight that they spent millions trying to influence to keep regulators off their back.

They have given you every justification to take the gloves off and unload on them. If any modern organization deserves to reap the whirlwind, it's Facebitch and it's Bitch in chief. This should be a steak dinner for you guys, sharpen your teeth and dig it!

Don't mean to alarm you, but Boeing has built an unmanned fighter jet called 'Loyal Wingman'

Corporate Scum

It's called BATS?

"Boeing Airpower Teaming System"

I bet that BATS sounded sexier in the marketing office. The Reg is gonna have a field day with this the first time it fouls up. I'm gonna start working on my Guano jokes. Probably something like, it drops high concentrations of nitrates and has the urge start wars by taking over contested islands in the pacific...

Ahem, Amazon, Google, Microsoft... Selling face-snooping tech to the Feds is bad, mmm'kay?

Corporate Scum

The last two paragraphs are key

The issue, and the fight, is to regulate the use of these technologies to ensure any government use is just, transparent, and accountable.

The strategy of going after suppliers like Amazon and Microsoft by using their civilian business as leverage will only push the government into using dedicated companies, directly funded from DARPA, and working from the shadows.

The D in SystemD stands for Dammmit... Security holes found in much-adored Linux toolkit

Corporate Scum

Re: I use FreeBSD, and for good reason.

Also, there were tons of great HOWTOs and tutorials to get people past the basics. The Systemd people couldn't even be bothered to complete the internal documentation, let alone work with the community to prep the documentation BEFORE they released it.

The stuff they cam up with wasn't really EASIER, just different and INCOMPATIBLE.

Fed up with cloud giants ripping off its database, MongoDB forks new 'open-source license'

Corporate Scum

Blindsided, and re-licensed at gunpoint?

Switching base licenses retroactively by changing it in the patching train is, as far as I know, unprecedented. Putting someone else in the situation of not being able to deploy a hotfix in production or changing contractual term at gunpoint is not something we should speak of lightly, or kindly. In going after some large, and potentially bad actors, they are pulling the rug out from under their broader user base. The choice of rolling yet another one of license isn't going to help either, as it will cause a trainwreck for anyone who was integrating code from other projects that had previously compatible licensing with copy-left obligations that require releasing code under a compatible GPL license. The article 12 clause seems to preclude a pretty broad swath of similar licenses, including the AGPL, and anything that has a rights assignment for enforcement(Like the rest of the current GPL family)

I suspect that people in the NodeJS community, especially meteor may freak out over this, and probably have the developer pool to support a fork at least long enough to force an embarrassing walk back in a few months.

This is the sort of shoot from the hip, knee jerk response that makes a companies management look green. This is something that should have been preceded by a ton of community engagement, not just dropped out of the blue in a blog post.

Microsoft Windows 10 October update giving HP users BSOD

Corporate Scum

Re: Microsoft response

Both funny and sad how as soon as a read what looked like a reasonable and professional response from Microsoft I knew it was a joke by the forth sentence.

Still I think the main issues are 1) M$ QC and testing has gone to crap and 2) the nanny state of Win10 blocks you from setting manageable controls. They could get away with one or the other, but the combination of both is truly toxic, and WSUS is no escape hatch as it is buggy, miserable to use if you turn of auto approval, and a space hog unless carefully configured.

Zero tools provided to help their users implement the best practice acceptance setting, and no real hepl for alternative patching systems. Get out of the way of my MDM, or give me something at least as good as Munki.

Microsoft: You don't want to use Edge? Are you sure? Really sure?

Corporate Scum

Re: Er ... weren't the 90s-noughties browser wars fought over this shit ?

Yes, and the wars never really ended.

The picture of Google pushing chrome clearly illustrates that we have just traded one monopolist for another, and that Google also should receive the loving embrace of it's own consent decree.

The browser choice dialog helped but it still failed, as it never leveled the playing field. It gave you a false choice between "Nothing but Microsoft's built in browser that can't be uninstalled" and "One of a small list of other browsers AND the one you don't want and can't get rid of, tough luck"

M$ buried IE's code deep in the OS, and the US and EU both refused to make M$ remove it or place 3rd party browsers on remotely equal footing. They still aren't.

Microsoft needs to get out of denial that they blew their shot with Edge at launch, along with Windows 8. They needed to fix it's basic usability and security issues, like allowing a single modal fave virus alert to jam the browser across system reboots. They didn't and as a result people hate it. They hate it enough to pay someone to reinstall their OS to windows 7. Trying to nag and trick people into switching back to it is going to fail hard, and in an embarrassingly public way.

Now it's just like the war in Afghanistan. No amount of ignoring that it's lost can ever make you win.

'Autopilot' Tesla crashed into our parked patrol car, say SoCal cops

Corporate Scum

I think your on the right track

There are only a couple of sections of the outbound leg that have those side of the road markings for parking, and most of the road HAS a center divider, unlike the photo, so that narrow the location to just a couple spots. (You may have seen a more specific location, I'm working off the photo and being fairly local.) It looks like the are by the dog park but, another section does something similar by Broadway.

This town is great example of near total disregard for normal road markings. The road lines don't use the normal width, the dashed yellow lines for the center don't use the normal spacing, most of the lane lines are solid white instead of dashed and there are huge arrows everywhere. I'm not sure, but I think that the parking spaces where the police car was parked are limited to off peak hours, and as the Twitter thread points out that section is Wackadoodle from a road planning standpoint. It basically routes the right hand lane into parked cars.

So if we find out this is a blind spot for the Tesla's neural net, no one should be surprised. It does not play to the strengths of those systems to if they are dealing with a bunch of needlessly unique visual queues where there is only one place or set of training data.

Speaking of which, it would be a great idea if the NTSB was building up a shared pile of data from all of the crashes of cars equipped with autonomy, either full self drive or safety features. Every manufacturer should be using these incidents in their training data and testing. That data should include cases where the driver was in control as well, as the car should be learning to help us humans avoid the mistakes we are prone to.

El Reg deep dive: Everything you need to know about UK.gov's pr0n block

Corporate Scum

Re: Cybergumble

It was thinking Hello.jpg sounded friendly enough, but to be fair, Google hadn't programmed it to Scroll Down yet.

(Warning to those not yet of age in the early years of the WWW _DONT_SCROLL_DOWN!)

Airbus CIO: We dumped Microsoft Office not over cost but because Google G Suite looks sweet

Corporate Scum

Re: GSuite is not enterprise ready

Set a 90-day password expiration policy without resorting to scripting or a 3rd party tool?
