Re: there's no reserve
at barrett jackson no reserve is normal except in rare exceptions.
clearly thought, the auctioneer doesn't say 'lets start at 1 dollar'
35 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2007
as i cycled down the street in my small market town, a van drove past and the man in front gestured to me to pull over.
doing so, he opened the side of the van and showed me 2 large loudspeakers - complete with a supposed store display card showing the RRP.
we had a pair left over, he explained - you can have them for £400.
i said no and left, later i heard that it was a regular scam - the speakers were cheap crap essentially.
the idea that the welsh speak welsh is pretty much a myth.
first time i ever encountered it was as a 6 year old - a teacher arrived at our school and announced that we would be learning ' our ' language.
even then i thought it curious that it could be my language when i'd never heard a word of it.
language is a means of communication - the world needs less languages, not more.
it's political correctness gone mad!
i still recall the day the welsh language entered my life - i was about 7, someone turned up at our school telling us we would be learning welsh as it was our culture - that being the case it's funny that i never encountered it before then.
language is a means to an end - a way of communication, if the world one day ends up with a single language then that's all the better - leave the rest in a museum.
and yes - putting road signs in both languages is just as daft - done to make a point, not for any practical point.
you'll spend hundreds to get a 50% speed boost from your processor, and then in 6 months a bog standard off the shelf processor will be 10% faster than that with no fancy stuff required.
liquid nitrogen should be kept for it's proper uses - such as throwing into swimming pools.
It's not bad at all - it's great in fact.
only negative i would say is it does seem that the makers have scaled things back - lots of stuff that was in san andreas isn't there anymore - aeroplanes etc.
i can't help but think this is so they can put it all back in again for the next title - therefore making it seem a progression.
but still - it's engrossing and great.
i think buying a pc for games is the stuff of madness but if you happen to have recently purchased a reasonably powerful one, you really do want this game and i dare say it will be better than the console versions - by virtue of running on far more expensive hardware.
i recently played the ancient GTA 3 on my pc at 1920x1200 resolution - but can't play gta 4 on my PS3 doing that ( even if gta 4 managed to still look a lot better regardless ).
if microsoft had never bothered with the xbox, they would have a few billion more in their pocket.
while a few billion isn't much to them, you have to wonder, if they don't eventually turn a profit ( when the 6th version of x box turns out to be a runaway success ? ), what exactly is the point?
and the same for sony - if there's no eventual profit, why bother?
as a young kid doing work experience at the rutherford laboratories i saw such a beast running - from memory it was a nice shade of red - wouldn't have looked out of place at dfs.
it was a james bond style setup - there was a giant room filled with big reel to reel tape drives and a few thousand of the tapes hanging from racks waiting to be queued up.
37in plasmas are rather rare, and if you find one, due to technical limitations, it will have a resolution less than that of 720p material - let alone 1080p as used by Blu-ray and HD DVD.
You should be able to get a 1080p LCD at that size, however.
Plasmas should be considered for sizes over 50in - only those that big can manage the full 720p resolution - although even then you will find it hard to get 1080p without getting into 60in, or bigger, sets.
about 2 years before it appeared on the internet, I had the idea that if a website could generate it's own polygon animated graphics, you could have animated websites without the need to download large quantities of data - I got the idea upon seeing how quickly tekken loaded on my then new, fangled playstation. of course I did sod all about it but even so... give me my billions!
I'm reliably informed that on buildings such as these, they are built in such a way as to allow movement in wind and the like - and the higher the building, the more they do it - to such an extent that if you had the penthouse on a building such as this you would be able to both see and feel the sway - not one for those who dislike boats on the sea!
I find it hard to see when Microsoft expect to actually profit from their console endeavours. They lost well over a billion on the first, things seem to be just as bad with this one. Maybe someone at Microsoft loves the idea of making consoles regardless of profitability.
quite why sony felt the need to have the most powerful console - with the subesquent cost, is a mystery.
the ps1 was less powerful than the rival N64 - and yet was more succesful
the ps2 was beaten in the power stakes by the xbox - but once again dominated
the lesson is, you dont win the console war by building an expensive, powerful console.
if you take a look at the japanese software top ten it's dominated by Nintendo DS games - which presumably cost far less to create than PS3 or even Wii games - which makes you wonder if the PS3 will ever turn a profit for Sony.