I think the world should boycott the USA
Seriously, what more do we need to hear, from this unrepentant, immoral bullying government?
I've read many of their published statements on the snooping issue and can honestly say that I've yet to hear any even slightly mitigating comment or statement making their actions justifiable.
Neither do I see any willingness on their part to change their ways. They are like a shoplifter which when caught says, "I'll be more careful not to get caught in the future", instead of, "Sorry. I won't do it again".
I call on the world to boycott US products, companies, organisations and groups, in order to apply pressure to the US government.
There are no shortage of other needy countries which will be grateful of our business (apart from numerous third world countries, there's Australia, Canada, Russia, etc.) all capable of filling the void.
This would mean avoiding Starbucks, Apple, Microsoft & Google, but at the same time would stimulate the competition of these global monopolies.
* startpage.com & ixquick.com are a great substitutes for using Google directly and send a strong message.