9 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2007
Maybe all those lost details will, via dark black market forces, find their way into another database from which some enterprising people will offer a competing ID card?
...is putting it mildly! The endless litigation alone would sink them financially, just ask uncle Darl over at SCO.
It was a mistaken debit and not a credit. But then it always is, innit?
And so, what once was a great company becomes just a puddle on the floor.
The worst is that it's all completely self-inflicted. Greedy bastards!
Lucky for the villagers they didnt find a car with the keys left in?
I can see their advert already -
Pre-worn underwear, hermetically sealed and delivered in discreet packaging. £50 incl p&p.
So I can continue to measure speed in furlongs per fortnight then. Righto!
At the end of the day isnt that what most EULA's try to say?
From healthcare to stealthcare.