I, personally, much prefer Apple's connector to the damn stupid micro-usb.
BUT if it puts a stop to all the stupid cable-chaos then I'm all for it.
Looks like it's the VHS 'win' all over again to me.
16 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Mar 2013
This makes perfect sense - we keep hold of what's important when disaster happens :)
I fell-off the side of a mountain a few years ago, slid/dropped about 15ft but still managed to keep hold of the sandwich in my left hand. I was very hungry to be fair.
You're saying that playing games that depict violence should be banned... because of what exactly?
You're saying that threatening someone's (imaginary) life should result in a prison sentence?
So... let me get this straight... you've advising a 'real' person to commit suicide by holding their breath, and don't feel like you don't belong in prison yourself?
Are you for fucking real?
Sorry but that's bullshit.
If a company can make money somewhere they won't leave just because they may make less money if the tax system changes. If it falls below the level of profit - or *enough* profit then maybe yes. But to state that if things thange they will all leave is patently rubbish.
If a large company is using/abusing the tax system then they have an inherent advantage over smaller companies coming into the market, who may not be able to 'save' their money in the same way.
"Simple. The companies would bugger off to somewhere more "sympathetic"."
Good. Let them go.
There are more than enough people/companies who can replace them and pay tax in the appropriate places. All this needs is the balls to actually start laying down the law. 'The law' as-in what 'the man in the street' would understand, not 'the law' as thousands of scumbag accountants/lawyers/politicians can figure out.
I'm not sure about anyone else...
*ANY* sort of torrent use and it crashes.
Too many devices trying to connect wirelessly and it crashes.
It also can't keep track of wireless devices, so has IP address confilcts.
Overheats/crashes all the time out of general spite.
The replacement isn't quite so bad, and only costs £20. Still not good at all though.
Probably more, but isn't that enough?
"Finally, like the Nexus 4, the Xperia Z gets rather warm when worked hard, playing games like NOVA 3, for example. Say what you like about Qualcomm’s high-end chipsets, they can’t half pump out the thermals when they get busy. I demand many things from a mobile phone but keeping my nuts warm in the winter isn’t one of them."
Erm... I know touchscreens are nice and all that, but surely you're not supposed to be using your nuts to play games with them?
If you're wanting to just drop files onto your ipad try iFiles. Works great most of the time.
If you want to stream from a network share, try Air Video Server (which works brilliantly) or one of many others.
If you want to stream from a DLNA share try iMediaShare.
Lots to chose from, and the iMediashare thing works from android too.