Re: What if you don't drink milk?
Whittingstall is an abject bag-botherer who should be physically restrained from doing further harm
45 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Mar 2013
"A D Wave system would consider all of the possible solutions at the same time..."
See headline of Scott Aaronson's "Shtetl-Optimized" blog for why this statement is unadulterated dreck.
"...It's more complicated than I'm making out, of course..."
No it's not, it's simply wrong. And the layman still wouldn't understand.
"... “hundreds of thousands” of facial images held in the PND belonged to “individuals who have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, an offence.”..."
Supply it with a huge training set. More data doesn't obsfuscate or encumber the plodbot, but makes it more reliable. If I were developer of such software, I would be demanding data - more and faster.
Hmm. Perhaps instead of the FAIL icon, I should've chosen joke. ( ...
Delicious - adjective
1. highly pleasing to the senses, especially to taste or smell:
2. very pleasing; delightful:
Using definition 1: Bill is imbibing, so the reference which is imparted is to the sense of taste.
(Icon - pedantry).
And a few others.
PhD work is focused upon Biclustering for gene-expression data, with side-orders of Vehicle Scheduling. My MSc project involved solving the hoary old TSP with a variety of algorithms.
The question of the importance of complexity is really the importance of finding decent metaheuristics which generate decent solutions to intractable problems. Currently, my results show that Quantum Annealing is a promising alternative to Simulated Annealing, and is also very competitive with other population-based approaches such as genetic algorithms.