Imagine all the lovely license n support fees.
Why, Oracle could always argue that since every American's data is on it, then that means license fees for 330M users.
2394 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2013
Anyone else think the "Code of Conduct" shit is a tad over the top?
This controversy is an interesting technical and organizational tug of war, and despite leaning towards the "Rust-good" side of things myself, calling Rust a cancer, while histrionic and alarmist, really doesn't qualify as harassment of anyone.
Oh, come on. You need to ask your supervisor in St. Petersburg for a bit more time to write an elaborate post.
This looks like you're just stirring the shit. I mean you are not even bothering to defend the noble and genius nullptr.
"Winning" by itself leaves us wanting to hear more of your insights. Maybe, "Winning, winning", at least? Pretty please.
Very Stable Genius 2.0 is playing. He's incredibly thin skinned, drunk on power and adulation and thinks he is right in everything and can do no wrong.
And, for all that the Dems should have been stopped Biden from running due to his age, Trump is really, really, old. He was never that great a person to start with, but now you can probably add serious cognitive decline to the mix. Since he's a naturally gifted genius at campaigning and manipulation that decline didn't matter that much on the campaign trail. Governing is another thing entirely.
Keep in mind too that the Reps used the 4 years in the wilderness to gather all sorts of fellow travelers. He may senilitize himself into oblivion but there will be the angry Bannons of the world to pick up the banner.
Nah, the action ain't at the 14th, invading Canada or Greenland or annexing Gaza. Not at this time and possibly not ever.
It's here, in the trenches. Fire any one in the government that disagrees with him and cow the rest into submission. Defund any departments that stand in his way - wait till next budget. Tariffs to bully nations into not opposing him. "Reform" the electoral system so the next election will have the "correct" results. Make sure SCOTUS is staffed with younger conservatives so that Trumpism endures.
Maybe, later, we'll see Hague-relevant stuff. But American democracy would be lost long before it gets that far.
Keep the Dems too busy chasing their tails decrying things that he'll never do at this time. Keep them from pushing back on the actual levers of power. So far, working rather well.
Obviously, ditching the government is an excellent idea as long as it applies to services other folks need and things other folks care about.
Now, let's hear you repeat the above when your car falls off a badly maintained bridge. More generally, when Musk has Twitter-CEO-ed the government to the point where nothing works.
The general gist of polling the minority of Americans who want to take over Canada is that they prefer NOT to grant full statehood so that problem is neatly solved.
Honestly, I am at a loss to know if idiots like the OP here are actually whacko Americans - they could be. Or full on disinfo shitkickers on Putin/Xi's payroll. I know the MAGA Trumpies are real, but I would assume some of them are relatively capable to articulate some kind of grievance about "the Dems" or whatever, if asked. At least the ones in an IT forum like this one.
On the other hand, people who day after day post trolling crap, without ever bothering to post well, anything IT-related, for the "lulz", without articulating anything (ex: "we need to tariff China to stop them developing LLMs with our GPUs"), but rather constant baiting? Are they trying to convince the other side in any way? Or just riling us all up? Certainly doesn't mind getting downvoted to oblivion, which would be disheartening to most of us. Doesn't even respond to most flames, just top-posts away drivel all day.
Call me paranoid, but I've just finished reading Likewar https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/38242140-likewar and the book is all about fake social media influencers, aka trolls.
Now, what would such a troll's post look like, on the Register's forums? What would a fake Trumpy version look like? What would a fake overwoke version look like? Maybe don't assume it is necessarily a real American, Brexiter, whatever doing the talking.
> The 51st State
OK, let's forget the dubious economic rationale for tariffs.
What's with stupidly parroting the dumbass 51st state idea? Who the fuck is cretin enough to want to take over neighbors that get along with them? You yourself? For what? To sound macho to your buds? How well did invading Iraq work out for y'all? Do you think a lot of the troops who were there would fancy their kids having to do the same again? All on the orders of Prez Chickenhawk Bonespurs? Seems to me the general sentiment of grunts there was that they were doing their duty but really really questioned the reasoning behind their mission. You volunteering to do the dirty work? Or just happy to stir the shit?
How well is China gonna be contained if each and every one of the US's allies has to question who's worse to deal with, Xi or Trump? Do you want to join Putin in becoming a nation everyone hates?
If you mean Nazi salutes, no, I think this has more of a Mussolini etymology.
But it really really doesn't look all that kosher. I think anyone anywhere near vaguely careful would have avoided that particular look.
But OK, go right ahead and tell us we all imagined it, we all conveniently forgot that Musk has profusely apologized and we all imagined him then doubling down and making "you did Na-zi that coming" jokes on Twitter (good for its shares btw) which got even the ADL annoyed.
I don't dislike Musk in general. But his politics are a bit tainted at this point. Probably due to him having a very thin skin, despite his "free speech absolutist" claims. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/the-penthouse-marquee-hate-speech-allegation-1.7428625
If I had to guess, it's a bit like JK Rowlings who got so much flak from the progressives that she went deep right. Interesting psychological phenomenon, but unlike drunk uncle Cletus ranting about minorities after too many beers these people have enough money and social media reach to influence a lot of other people.
In this case, moving the Overton window to the point where Nazi-like salutes get defended by worthy commentards ;-)
It's not all that pathetic when you watch the video of him doing it twice in a row https://youtu.be/-VfYjPzj1Xw?si=GGXp_bcMc2K34Cfl
Honestly, I thought this was going to be one of those overhyped outrages where "it looks like". But this isn't really the case here. He's quite deliberate. Now, what we don't know is if he understood beforehand what this looks like. Or if he was just imitating happily some of his bosom buddies with... questionable historical and racial views.
Maybe they take down their swastikas when he drops in for a round of beers in steins?
As a Canadian, we can all do our bit.
- Starbucks
- Amazon
- Netflix
- Tesla
- vacations there
- ...
What we should not do so much tho is boo the US anthem at sport events. I know it is cathartic and I share the feeling. However, at the end of the day, these are ideal photo ops to plays into the hands of Trump's propaganda of an aggrieved and victimized USA. With Americans being as batshit rah rah as they are about their flag, this is unlikely to win over the hearts and minds of the people we need to tell Trump to fuck off, his own electorate.
Be polite to Americans and aim your vitriol directly at the Orange Buffoon instead. After all, much as it sucks dealing with him north of the 49th, at least he's not in charge of our government and we don't have to worry about our democracy.
I did not mean as criticism of COBOL. I've coded professionally in COBOL and while it is a bit tedious and limited, it is also quite capable. My biggest beef is the lack of a standard library: wanna left pad with spaces? Loop you write, grasshopper, and no npm package written by a disgruntled Turkish dude in sight. On the plus side, if you are into code generation, COBOL is a very nice target. And, like C, it is very quick to get your head around the small basic functionality and to get coding (while memory safe). The PIC variable overlay system is a bit weird to wrap your head around, but powerful too.
On the other hand, I've only taken classes in Java to be bring me up to relatively good level of proficiency and.... eeek. Everything rubs me the wrong way, from the original lack of a file copy (write your own, the system could run out of disk! think network abstraction!), to the aversion to interop with anything (everything should be in Java, dammit!), pretending the OS's functionality and API doesn't exist (don't break the abstraction! everything Java!) to having to catch and declare exceptions everywhere, no functions, not passing around methods as parameters, to AbstractFactoryConcreteInjectors gooblygook to - by design - requiring files in the hundreds and thousands via one-class-per-file. Not dynamic enough? I know, let's add honking big XML blobs to control code behavior.
With the final straw being a class on the original Enterprise Edition and its EJB - the notion that there is value to default to spawning low level atomic SQL objects anywhere in the network of nodes flies in the face of my decades of experience writing SQL code: when performance is critical you want to run it as close to the database server as possible, all together and in fact eschew most of the language fluff like ORMs and instead run set based operations on said database server. That need not mean stored procedure, but it does mean something like "update customer set active = 0 where unpaid > 1000.00", rather than looping on "select customer_id where unpaid > 1000.00" and then updating via a host of sad lil distributed EJBs. When the reality hit the theory, the theory folded and EJBs aren't that used in production, from what I gather.
Long story short: there is not enough popcorn in the world to keep me while I am watching this extended session of foot-bazookaing by Java's leadership.
And I rather like COBOL ;-)
But I do believe enterprise Java code will also remain in production for decades. It will just be in a different context than what all those who thought Java would take over the world thought would happen.
You know, one thing I find amusing in many of these arguments is how much proponents of tariffs assume they happen in a vacuum.
Slap tariffs on Chinese electronics? No problemo, cuz xyz.
In reality these things almost invariably devolve into a tariff war. Targeted countries do not roll over and instead launch into counter-tariffs of their own, making this typically into a lose-lose proposition in practice.
It's not just about inflation for basic goods for Americans, it is also American soy farmers not being able to sell their crops to China. And doubly so since China has learned from Trump 1.0 and diversified its food import sources.
None of this has to do with me being supportive of Xi's China, a totalitarian, neo-Communist, power which the West should be very, very, cautious about. And quite possibly, should actively try to decouple from. There are lessons to be had from how we treated Russia - and justifiably so - in regards to Ukraine: subcontracting off some of your economic critical inputs to a potential adversary, because you find it inconvenient to look after them yourself (or source them from your allies) comes at a risk.
Still doesn't change the level of economic illiteracy displayed by many Trump fans.
I wonder if future coverage of Wine could go into more details about the cross-pollination between Wine and Steam's Proton? One the one hand, Proton seems to run many many Windows-only games and they have the $ and a huge vested interest to get it done. On the other hand, Proton's Windows API calls are going to be going out mostly to DirectX and the subset of Windows systems services that are relevant to games. So how much is more general-purpose WINE "bettered" by Proton and how closely do the projects track each other and/or collaborate?
For anyone enjoying a bit of post-apolyptic near future SF, I recommend John Birmingham - He died with a felafel in his hand - End of Days trilogy, starting with Zero Day Code.
Starts with precisely this kind of Chinese cyberattacks and well thought out. In this case, cyber-nuking the food distribution supply chain ends up causing famine in the big US cities. Ends up a bit Mad Max meets Lord of the flies.
PW Singer wrote a similar book, Ghost Fleet, but although Singer has more defense creds and meant his book to explore real military issues via fiction, Birmingham is by far the better writer. Ghost Fleet is more about hardware trojan horses in US military platforms and in a way seems less actionable to me.
About the only thing similar I remember was the 2000 election nailbiter Bush vs Gore. And, no I wasn't all that impressed with the Dems at the time - being that close, it was always going to be contentious with whoever lost. No matter who lost.
But the complaints from Dems in 2000 were to Trumpy complaints as a mild, discrete bit of ladylike flatulence is to a maelstrom of never ending hysterical diarrhea occasioned by the juxtaposition of way too much Budweiser with a munchies-driven 3AM spree at Taco Bell.
Both questionable behavior, but nowhere comparable.
(yeah, I know, arguably any Budweiser is too much)
No, I don't remember Dems saying the election was stolen. It's normal, esp in these times, to be vigilant about election shenanigans. But worrying about election integrity is not the same thing as stating it was stolen by your opponents.
Tell you what, why don't you refresh all of our memories by actual citations?
And, no, not just a convenient out-of-context sentence, cut out of from the middle of an otherwise reasonable bit of speech.
Not after 4 years of "Stop the Steal!"
> a state with 52 Representatives and 2 Senators
Canadian here. For the - minority of - American people who actually support such a move, the solution favored by about half is not to give us statehood but instead make us into a territory.
Needless to say, we have no interest in joining the Trump shitshow, and that includes our Conservatives.
What's FOCF?
You know what's funny? How the Trumpies were howling the 2024 election was rigged, rigged, I tell you. By the Democrats' fearsome vote stealing machine!
All the way until... the results came in, and all that election rigging rhetoric vanished as quickly as dollars are liberated from your wallet at Whole Foods.
What foreign interference? There is no foreign interference as long as Trump wins!
Oh, you missed the part where I was heaping praise on modern left wing economics. You know why you missed it? Because I didn't.
Though now that you mention it, Blair - Labour, Clinton - Democrats and Macron - originally split off from PSF, did do a pretty good job. Thatcher did too, I am not dogmatic. And even Reagan achieved running the USSR into the ground.
Damn lot better than Trump or the Brexiters, economics n deficits-wise.
Can you spell d-e-f-i-c-i-t?
Or is that only a word when Dems are in charge? All Very Stable Genius did was to run up the credit card some more and call it natural economic growth.
Modern day right wingers are just at crap at economics as old style tax ‘n spend folk. They just forego the tax bit to spend for their goodies.
... My definition of the word woke is people who would rename a high school renamed after Lincoln due to some past injustice. Otherwise, yes, I am aware of the - more positive - traditional meaning of the term, but thanks for the arrogance.
... I never claimed Trump was shot at by a left winger. I do note some people complained about the shooter missing.
... I never made any claims about who was funding what on the border. Merely that Dems forgot how Obama was a lot more clear headed about the electoral risks of losing the ball.
... At least that's a statement we both agree with. But I will add that you seem like precisely the kind of "base" that the Dems should have spent a lot less time chasing, being so effin' sure of yourself and being right about everything and so upset that anyone dares disagree with you. How dare they!
Meh, there are plenty of people who were unimpressed with the Democrat leadership's overfocus on wokeness and energizing their own "base". Plenty of people who thought that Trump getting shot was a massive problem, nothing to be celebrated. Plenty of people who thought the Dems were way too dismissive of polls re. illegal immigration: whatever you think of immigration, it's not an election-winning formula when 60%+ of your electorate claims it's a problem and you claim it's not. And, yes, CNN is too biased to be taken too seriously, just like Fox is hardly worth listening to. And yes, Biden shouldn't have run in 2024.
A reasonable Republican candidate, whatever that might mean in the mid-2020s, would be one thing. An inveterate bully, liar, convicted sex offender, incapable of mastering any governance topic (other than getting elected), Putin chum, election denier and profoundly unprincipled goon like Trump is another.
To put it differently: Reagan he ain't, and whether or not one approves of Reagan changes nothing to that statement. He's an embarrassment to have been elected, twice over. First as POTUS, but mostly during the primaries. Republicans claim to be care a lot about the Constitution and checks and balances against overbearing government? Look at them, the same people are clamoring for more executive power for Trump.
He's stands up against China, eh? How about this: "if Taiwan gets invaded, I won't help cuz they stole our chip industry". Well, OK, stable genius, what happens if China listens to you and the 90% of Western advanced chip manufacturing is now held by China? Or if the Taiwanese electorate gets scared and decides to cut a reunification deal with China?
Ever listened to some of the QAnon drivel? It's like a sizable part of the country has been lobotomized.
My favorite was a (Western) moron who recommended not voting Harris to protest against the Gaza War. As if Trump wasn't known to be much worse. His nominee for ambassador now, Mick Huckabee, is on the record as stating all of the place - Israel proper, Gaza, West Bank - are all biblically part of Israel.
From Trump 1.0 we can generally assume 2 things:
1. Trump will demure on doing, or be unable to achieve, a lot of stupid unrealistic things he has committed to do/achieve.
2. Trump will do lots of stupid things on the spur of the moment that no one saw coming.
The ratio of 1 to 2 is unpredictable and unclear with his advancing age and ever increasing whacko-ness: "let's invade Greenland and Panama, while incorporating Canada".
Just started using it. I've used wezterm on Linux, kitty and iTerm2 on macOS. It's pretty solid and I really like the idea that it will be fully multiplatform later (Mitchell's committed to bringing in Windows, not just WSL). Now using it on both Linux and macOS.
I tried Alacritty - but it doesn't do tabs. And, as much as I like kitty, its lead is a tad too opinionated about things like tmux or how to pick emojis. Wezterm is a solid contender, but I like Ghostty's focus on simplicity of configuration (just key-value pairs). Wezterm's Lua config is something I could get into, if I had to, but I'd rather not. One thing that turned me off iTerm2 was its overcomplex GUI-driven configuration options.
The support for themes is also quite elegant, with a nice preview mechanism.
For a 1.0, very good. Bit glitchy with backspace handling in SSH sessions. And it very much will need a scrollbar, as another commenter pointed out. I also couldn't figure out how to launch it with individual configuration flags defined on the command line - which you are supposed to be able to do -, but either that's just immature or I just had a brainfart moment and missed how to do it.
IMHO, a terminal's job mostly is to be able to receive sufficient configuration to be usable, quickly and without much effort. And then be robust and quick and get out of the way. Ghostty seems to manage that well and the ability to use the same configuration on multiple OSs is neat for those of us who value that.
the sole reason? really?
I am still trying to figure out how to set touchpad sensitivity on Ubuntu 24.04, on a laptop that supports it. OK, maybe I am a dimwit, but I am in good company: that question gets asked all the time. And a lot of ppl say: disable when you have a real mouse in. Ah, the joys of seeing nerds argue about libinput vs synaptics drivers!
Or, trying to suspend power to hibernation. Apparently, I get stuck in shallow hibernation, with significant power draws. Not cool when your battery is sucked dry on repeat. There are tons of contradictory articles on what to do. But a lot of answers end up: "well, no great problem, I mostly use my laptop while plugged in".
Does this ever get solved? No, but we do get to endure countless debates about the finer points of X vs Wayland and the subtle improvements from release to release in the bling factor of the desktop environments.
Again, I don't claim a really high level of knowledge. But I understand most of the architecture more than most users and am quite happy on the command line. I just object to having to tinker for hours at a time to tune UI behavior, based on tribal knowledge of very uncertain authority.
Love Linux, as a server OS fully manageable from the CLI. As a desktop? Well it is better than Windows 10... And on the plus side, I agree that Steam works A-OK on it so it has grown up to be a very capable gaming platform as well.
> if you knew which hardware it liked
That was quite likely a huge factor for slow adoption by consumers. The early PC ecosystem was a wild West, especially when major brands were concerned. Buy a Sony, or HP, and it might not like whatever hardware you tried to put into it. Paradoxically, getting no-name PCs was less problematic: they couldn't dream of imposing their own "standards".
Now, with IBM, we all knew they had gotten burnt with the PC's openness. So it was hard to look at the PS/2 and OS/2 combination and credit it with something other than an attempt to re-wall their garden.
That's why MS "double-crossed" them on OS/2: they didn't want to hand that power back over to IBM.
Somewhat related YouTube : the development disaster behind macOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fD5q_LShdY
There's a cameo there by IBM re. Taligent, though apparently some of the screwups there came in from the Apple side of things. And how Apple screwed things up with Copland is very intriguing, management-wise.
I don't think modern shows and movies are necessarily much worse. TV has gotten a lot "deeper" since good ol' Starksky and Hutch and most of the Bonds were never that great to start with - that's due to the very format and concept for the franchise - although Connery did make it work at times. Likewise, it is hard to see The Witch, White Lotus or Vast of Night as somehow inferior to an idyllic past.
No, the problem is a race for high production value content to fill the libraries of too many competing streamers, with a lot of shows getting the green light that really did not need to be made. To make the numbers work, the answer is obvious: sequels, sequels, sequels. Derivative, derivative, derivative (from similar content that worked). Ditto theatres: they are not doing well, so need to make big-screen content. Then you can another new development: best way to make an epic seeming movie is: CGI, CGI and more CGI. Even cheap CGI can make a positive difference - Equilibrium - but even great CGI won't save a crap movie though it might motivate enough eyeballs for ROI.
To start with, how many superhero films do we need every year? Star Wars? Star Trek? How much breathless coverage do we need to see about a great new fantasy adaptation? How many CSIS redos? I tried to watch Squid Game (Battle Royale) or Money Heist (pompous crime genius with hot supporting actor hookups to keep the suspense). How many nitwit near-future spy agency stories? Add to that a huge selection of online websites who seem to get paid to promote the pap (looking at you Ars Technica, Vulture, etc...)
There's plenty of good stuff coming out, it's just lost in the noise and you're stuck paying for the shit in your subscriptions.
Seems to me a lot of comments going on - justifiably - about the vagaries of public cloud is somewhat missing a major point.
Netflix isn't 37 Signals, which brought stuff back in house and showed how much they saved.
Netflix has to provide reasonable last-mile data transit times to hundreds of millions of people around the world. That means hosting a lot of very heavy data in a lot of very dispersed locations, with a lot of unpredictable spiking when something exciting drops and catches the zeitgeist. The decision matrix for doing this is not the same as that of a large bank pondering self-hosting, even though they do stuff like the Netflix OCAs.
Nah, the entshitification and costs is due to Netflix changing from an aggregator of other people's contents to trying too hard to be its own studio. A model the other streamers have followed.
Think about it: 20 yrs ago would you have expected all of ABC/CBS/NBC shows, or those of any Euro chains, to be all good? Of course not, a good deal of them are going to be duds.
Netflix started out re-cycling shows and movies, which did not cost it all that much. But, key point, they also got the best stuff from a lot of sources, since they were an additional revenue stream over DVDs for the studios.
Over time though the studios learned that a) Netflix was making a lot of money and b) Netflix was killing their DVD biz. Prices went up, studios each wanted to become a streaming service.
So now you have a lot of shit shows that need $$$ to film. Studios holding better TV series or old film titles hoard their wares like dragons of old. The availability of classic or indy movies, compared to a decently-stocked 2000's DVD rental store has collapsed. Streamers are in a bidding war to see who can fund the most expensive re-warmed blockbuster crap like House of the Dragon or Wheel of Time, out of your wallet. Meanwhile unlike the good old days where your cable company gouged you once, you now need to subscribe to half a dozen streamers, if you want to watch all the "important shows" as they come out.
I mean, sure, Amazon not running Netflix's backend out of charity isn't helping. But that's really not the core issue.