Re: Spoken like a true raving nutter
The BBC's editorial output is surprisingly balanced at times given the fact the its employees are overwhelmingly left wing in their politics.
There have been some noteable exceptions, such as the Middle Eastern correspondent blubbing over the death of the Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. Not releasing the Balen Report really only compounds the perception of bias.
Your assertion about the BBC tipping to the right more than the left is a rather hilarious assertion however, which I've only ever encountered by rather left wing ex-colleagues at the BBC.
Radio 4 is really is home to the left, and yes wowser some ghastly right wingers (mainstream journalists, however) are allowed on their panels alongside irrelevant & unknown far-left loony types from Socialist Action or SWP and the like.
There are rather few right wingers at the BBC, however this is to be expected, it's a large publicly funded organisation, it's not going to attract many Thatcherites and will do many socialists. Surely noone can seriously disagree on this point?
Bonus points for mentioning Mel Philips & Andrew Neill however. I could have written that one for you.