I can see the future now
20 years later... Apple adds yet another Samsung device.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Feb 2013
First is the PC topic: ever heard of the Humble Bumble or GOG? DRM-free games up for download at anytime you please. PCs are less effected by these problems. It's usally the publishers that add-in the DRM, not the hardware venders. From an operating sytem persective, the Metro-side of Windows 8 might as well count as DRM.
Second is console topic: this will most likely DOOM Xbox's second-hand games market. Since the they'll likely loose their value. I'm not sure how PS3 will hand this situation, and havn't heard concern from Wii U.
I hate the term "cloud computing." It's just the internet. If anything, all "cloud computing" is backing up of files to catch at a later time. Since "cloud computing" is becoming more and more integrated into our lives, I use both it and local storage equally, though more so local storage. Because I don't have to pay a monthly or yearly fee to store word documents.