Not going to end well for Turkey
Erdogan is selling Turkey long term future for his own personal political gain, I am shocked! Taking allies of convenience to another level. Geographic pressures have made Russia and Turkey at best strategic competitors and more frequently enemies in open conflict. Imperial Russia national pastime was making Ottomans their @#$@. Whenever the Czar was bored, Russia carved up another former Ottoman province, or clandestinely supported their fellow orthodox Christians insurgencies.
Does Erdogan really think Putin will support him when it really matter. When Greece a fellow orthodox Christian nation kicks up storm in the Aegean in the future, where do you think Putin and Russian public sympathy will tilt to? At best Russia will withdraw all logistical support for all those expensive Russian equipment and claim neutrality kneecapping Turkey's ability to defend itself, at worst the Russian black fleet will mobilize and tie up a huge portion of Turkey airforce and navy to indirectly help the Greeks.
Nato should call his bluff and give him the middle finger or Turkey on the whole. Judging from the polls, Turkey doesn't like the West very much, so we should mutually go our separate ways.