* Posts by dcluley

56 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Feb 2013


DEATH fails to end mobile contract: Widow forced to take HUBBY's ASHES into shop


This seems weird. Waving a copy of the death certificate at the bank should put a stop to all payments from that account.

Ada Lovelace Day: Meet the 6 women who gave you the 'computer'


The BBC are making an effort. The News Quiz on Radio 4 starts a new series on Friday 24 October and according to the Radio Times it has an all-women panel for once.

UK government accused of hiding TRUTH about Universal Credit fiasco


As opposed to how well the private sector banks can hoover up money on false pretences, lose legendary amounts of money and then insist on being bailed out to enable then to continue paying fabulous salaries to the men who lost the money in the first place. Compared to these idiots the public sector are beginners.

Reseller giant Misco puts UK workers at risk of redundancy – sources


Economists - don't you just love them

How is it that economists and business advisers can come up with opposing strategies which are logically contradictory and keep a straight face? Quote from the article:

"The more vertical businesses within a stack you control, the greater your margin at every stage of the game (you can source your raw milk product more cheaply, lower transport and middleman costs etc)."

which, of course, explains why public service enterprises are constantly exhorted to outsource their functions (well the profitable ones anyway) to private enterprise.

Clarkson: 'I WILL find and KILL the spammers who hacked me'


Re: I don't mind being compared by age...

@Allan George Dyer. Your message was obscured by the sounds of moving goalposts. Yes criminals can commit crimes but that wasn't what the original comment was about.


Re: I don't mind being compared by age...

I too have the grey hair. My recollection of the Clarkson Bank Account details affair is that he only published the same details that anyone who writes a cheque publishes: bank sort code and account name and number. Charity direct debits are easy to set up by anyone giving correct details of an account not necessarily their own.. The Direct Debit system allows for incorrect payments to be reclaimed which, if I remember aright, was done in Jazza's case. All in fact worked as intended.
