Probably not what you meant..
"Can we focus on the other side of it?"
Female coders boycott PHP show and get it cancelled?
64 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Feb 2013
"I suspect that was sort of what they were originally thinking - and when it was still at the planning stages some time back, I read stuff (on HMRC's site, I think) that suggested that during the submission process, the server could request more background data from the submission client. i.e. they could interrogate your software for the full data."
Then someone mentioned GDPR and they realised having a normal set of accounts and an anonymised one for tax purposes might not be the best idea.
I sometimes think big business has been lobbying for rules that force all small businesses to use their services. How many small businesses can comply with GDPR without handing off their IT infrastructure to a 3rd party?
This just looks like another step down that road to me.
It seems to me that the longer copyright is, the more chance there is that the largest companies will end up owning all the culturally significant copyrights (eg Disney + Marvel + Star Wars etc). There's a real risk to societies development in setting up this type of long term cultural appropriation by gatekeeper companies. What is promoted as a benefit to creatives can also be used to gag them and control derivative works. Can culture continue to grow incrementally when no one alive remembers the context and impact of the original work by the time it becomes public domain?
I see the plan behind ir35..
A team of permies whose job is to deploy open source government software.
If the open source doesn't do what is needed, hire contractors to add features to the open source software. The indirect delivery surely is outside ir35 with payment per completed feature rather than time based.
Solves some (failed) delivery, transparency and data protection issues as a bonus..
Known Issue: Due to Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement, we can't dynamic update our apk.
Presumably to 'stop' a clean app morphing into malware?
I've not looked closely but I think 'without the user having to restart the app' should be 'without having to reinstall the apk' so in other words, taking app updates out of googles and optionally the users control?
Having an app able to update its running code over the air seems like a very bad idea to me. Probably why it's targeted at developers who hopefully remember to remove it from releases..
arctic_haze 'Having said that I must add that there is an additional (mysterious) component. There are people computers seem to obey and ones the hardware and software itself seems to hate. I call it "computer Tao" as I don't have a better name for that. You either have it or you don't.'
I used to get regular calls to one PC that had some strike supporting sticker on it "Stop Working Now", I had a strange feeling that it was obeying the instruction and eventually removed the sticker. I never got another call about it after that.
Leeroy: I seen a poster on the shop door of a newsagents today it read 'Any crime committed against the owners of this company will be treated as a hate crime.'
In Nottinghamshire chat up lines are apparently now a hate crime, unless you are homosexual I guess..
The force defines misogyny hate crime as: "Incidents against women that are motivated by an attitude of a man towards a woman and includes behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman."
"... the adage that "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't"."
The adage goes - "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
Neither really say whether it's [probably] true or not though. Are we talking about 'too good to be true' or just 'true' when we say it is or isn't?
"So, when the company experiences an embarrassing loss of monies, they get the heavies in to recoup, but when they release a product that has so many security holes you can wash and drain your vegetables in it, no one gets involved?"
I wouldn't say no one got involved. The crackers must have had some reason to think Mattel were an easy target.
I'd have done the same thing and don't think it is childish at all. All that was in dispute is the modules name. How that could be used to justify transferring ownership of the module is beyond me and I'd have immediately protected the rest of my code by removing it from the service too.
Did you point out that it will be technically impossible for MPs to be excluded from the bulk collection?
Point out that any attempt to create filters for them just provides a spy upon list that all ICR collectors would have to have, so would definitely leak and the risk to National Security that would create?
Or that the history for new MPs would already be available and thus available to pervert the course of democracy for bad players?
If both auction items were shown and I had to choose which to bid on..
Brad and Alison - I'd have gone for Brad..
Brad and Brenda - I'd have gone for Brenda..
I've no explanation why, the names feel different somehow but gender doesn't seem to be the decider for me.
Alison and Brad - somehow feels like a closer decision than the other way around.. How strange..
Always remember the announcement for one of the Red Nose Days where everyone had to wear fancy dress or get "fined" a donation. I went in dressed in the normal dress code of suit & tie. When confronted I pulled a whip out of my desk drawer and said I gone as a manager. The look on my actual managers face was priceless :)
Search engines are handy if you know or at least suspect that something exists. Adverts are handy to let people know something exists. Two different things, both of which get abused to some degree - the more you value your privacy the larger that degree seems.
So students get to spend thousands to learn something they won't be able to use unless they spend further thousands on a patent license?
Not to mention some of those patents are no doubt student inspired, which raises red flags on the "obvious to someone in the craft" stuff that patents aren't supposed to be.
Got a telephone call from the Labour party to see if I was going to vote for them. I mentioned that privacy was important to me and as they had ignored the TPS registration for my number and invaded mine, then no, I wouldn't be voting for them. It's not just internet privacy they don't have a clue about.
With all contracts being made public, wouldn't the result be more due diligence?
And if all losing bids are also made public, then such sales tactics would die a natural death under the glare of shared knowledge.
Unless the "scumbag" is a better alternative - they know the terms of the current Blackberries from the availability of the contract, they know about the increased due diligence, so why waste money pitching unless they are a better option?
@hate - Is high speed required for this anyway?
Didn't I read an early report about torrents that originated in Sony? If correct, then crackers setting up seedboxes on compromised machines seems the likely exit route for the data.. If so the load would be spread, no doubt on receiving end too.
It was asking someone how they got their name all down the screen on the ZX Spectrum in WH Smiths that got me into programming. It was like learning the secret behind a magic trick, I saw something awesome and wanted to know how to do it.
My first hack was
20 GOTO 10
From there I progressed onto loops to vary the number of spaces to get my name to bounce backwards and forwards across the screen. Before I got my own Spectrum, I'd already written a frogger game in basic, complete with redefined character set for graphics (I took a cassette with me to WH Smiths during school lunchtimes to load & save my work).
Having said that, just the year before I declined taking computer studies at school as all they were displaying was a hack/rogue game and ascii art. I don't remember there being any mention of the programming side of things.
Wow.. Im rambling a bit here.. Anyway, if I'd seen something like this dalek thing in primary school I'm sure I'd have got into computers earlier than I did - though I'd probably have gone the rude word route as having a dalek poop out my name doesn't appeal in the same way.
What if gets registered to take advantage of the eucational copyright exceptions?
Are "dive" videos covered by the caracature exception?
If a site with robots.txt (disallow: /footiegifs) and a honeypot gif gets a takedown notice, will we be liable under the computer misuse act?