* Posts by A Nother Handle

108 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Feb 2013


Juno what? Jovian moon Europa is looking rugged

A Nother Handle

A Pareidoliac's Paradise

I can already see a pentagram, the Illuminati's eye in the pyramid, the Angel of Death, a Thargoid base and Offler the crocodile god.

IT services giant Wipro fires 300 for moonlighting

A Nother Handle

Re: Conflict is key

If you're already happy to give up the rights to your invention to an employer It sounds like that's the two employers' problem to reaolve.

Using the datacenter as a dining room destroyed the platters that matter

A Nother Handle

Re: No explosives in the tech support room

I have great idea to save the cist of the chemistry department...

A Nother Handle

Re: Smaller buddies

Was the exterior of the building being cleaned over those summers? I had a similar microbug invasion when our office building was being cleaned. The bugs move on and as my desk was by the window...

Oh Deere: Farm hardware jailbroken to run Doom

A Nother Handle

Re: Internet of Farming Things

There's a growing market in venture capitalists funding civil lawsuits in return for a large share of the payout. If the case is strong someone will pony up the money to fight it.

A Nother Handle

Re: Remote hacks

...and check for hedgehogs first.

Yeah, we'll just take that first network handshake. What could possibly go wrong?

A Nother Handle

Re: You'd have thought that a company the size of Google would have thought...

It's the law of large numbers innit? They produce so many products, features and lines of code (all ultimately created by fallible humans) that they're sure to contain egregious errors. The only uncertainty is will your workflow be disrupted by them?

British Army Twitter and YouTube feeds hijacked by crypto-promos

A Nother Handle

Re: Building bridges?

Cyber cyber cyber cyber cyber cyber buffalo.

A miserable work week spent toiling inside 'the metaverse'

A Nother Handle

Re: So in conclusion

"a monitor, keyboard and mouse are not the optimal way to control a bicycle"

I see you have played GTA San Andreas too.

Mars Express orbiter to get code update after 19 years

A Nother Handle

Re: Ship a case to NASA

Why? The ESA did all the work here.

US must adopt USB-C charging standard like EU, senators urge

A Nother Handle

Recycling them to make rivets sounds ok. Did you mean rivers?

'Red-rated' legacy IT gets refresh in UK as US battles theirs with bills

A Nother Handle

Re: "Digital Boot Camps"

If they're allowed to use their croquet mallets I think they stand a chance.

How one techie ended up paying the tab on an Apple Macintosh Plus

A Nother Handle

It's an interface but isn't a fancy one.

Engineer sues Amazon for not covering work-from-home internet, electricity bills

A Nother Handle

It's happened to me in the UK. My employer struck a deal with the local bus company to give staff free travel between the city centre and the out-of-town business park. Some people who lived on the other side of the city incurred the expense of getting to the first bus stop but in my case I just walked.

When management went nuclear on an innocent software engineer

A Nother Handle

Re: nice story

Parliament is quite close to the river Thames, but a leak of nuclear fuel there might improve the water quality.

FTC urged to protect data privacy of women visiting abortion clinics

A Nother Handle

Re: All our fault

Build the wall! Build the wall!

BOFH: You'll have to really trust me on this team-building exercise

A Nother Handle

Re: Wouldn't let me on the cardiac ward

This isn't an argumemt, you're just disagreeing!

Confirmation dialog Groundhog Day: I click OK and it keeps coming back

A Nother Handle

Re: [ae].*tive

You got the word from a dictionary, right? Didn't your digital marvel of time-saving include the definition?

Ransomware the final nail in coffin for small university

A Nother Handle

Re: Deflecting blame

In my infrequent experience of buying big-brand coffee, grande now means regular (which used to be small).

Google Docs crashed when fed 'And. And. And. And. And.'

A Nother Handle
Paris Hilton

Re: Ahem:

Snake! It's a snake!

Paris, because I'm juvenile.

Thinnet cables are no match for director's morning workout

A Nother Handle

Re: Cruel parents

"I think I dated his sister, Phyllis."

BOFH: Something's consuming 40% of UPS capacity – and it's coming from the beancounters' office

A Nother Handle

Re: Doh!! moment

Yes but... a scenario you expect to fail (remove ALL power supplies) perhaps should not be tested in production.

Not to dis your diskette, but there are some unexpected sector holes

A Nother Handle

Re: Closest I've seen...

Quite right too. She should have said "mice".

The time you solved that months-long problem in 3 seconds

A Nother Handle

Re: Diplomacy

I believe summoning a bottle of alcohol falls firmly in the school of Dipsomancy.


Sealed, confidential IBM files in age-discrimination case now public to all

A Nother Handle

I read it as "C'mon let's TRY to not get caught doing this."

Nestlé says it leaked its own test data, not Anonymous

A Nother Handle

Surely chocolate at a Nestlé party means it's a work event, no?

Hold the door please, I've got a suitcase of wine for the meeting.

We have redundancy, we have batteries, what could possibly go wrong?

A Nother Handle

Pair of hands

Touch, but don't look.

A Nother Handle

Re: Dipstick

You're just asking for the fuel delivery to be delayed, followed by a power cut.

Journalist won't be prosecuted for pressing 'view source'

A Nother Handle

Is Mr Renaud considering a libel action against Governer Parson? Enough of us are reading this in the UK to possibly have the case heard here. Make libel tourism work for the good guys.

Dido Harding's appointment to English public health body ruled unlawful

A Nother Handle

You missed fire safety from your list of government failings.

Rolls-Royce consortium shopping for factory sites to build mini-nuclear reactors

A Nother Handle

Mike Giggler writes

The correct pronunciation was always, even when new, clear to me.

North Korea worried a lot of countries when it said it test-fired a hypersonic missile in Japan's direction

A Nother Handle

Super rocket's just ballistic, Nork news is atrocious.

It's the day before the grand opening but we need a firmware update. It'll be fine

A Nother Handle

Re: cooking EPROMs at 200C on a baking tray in an oven

Have you never heard of oven chips?

Police National Computer not pwned by Clop ransomware crims, insists Home Office

A Nother Handle
Paris Hilton


The number of paragraphs I read before I worked out that Dacoll isn't a Member of the Scottish Parliament. I thought it was rude of the Reg to omit their first name, then I thought maybe they're like Madonna or Rylan.

A tiny typo in an automated email to thousands of customers turns out to be a big problem for legal

A Nother Handle

Re: Not is such a tiny word

I saw the Dambusters on TV (Film 4 most likely) in the last couple of years and the dog's name was intact. There may have been a warning beforeehand but I missed the start.

A tiny island nation has put the rights to .tv up for grabs – but what’s this? Problematic contract clauses? Again?

A Nother Handle
Paris Hilton

Re: Public view

There's a whole generation of adults now that didn't grow up with every porn site exclaiming PRESS CTRL+D TO BOOKMARK THIS PAGE.

As if I would.

It was the browser history that gave me away.

From the studio that brought you 'Mortal Wombat' comes 'Pernicious Possum'

A Nother Handle

Re: There's a monster in the garden

My wife has been invoved in hedgehog rescue for about 2 years now and our experience is that some do appear to recognise familiar voices or sounds. One would recognise the sound of me doing the washing up as the start of the feeding routine and sit by her bowl.

We once found an injured hog in our garden sitting in the doorway of an empty hog-house, as if waiting for us to find him when we did the nightly feed. Another one was spotted in the grounds of the school at the end of the road and by the time my wife had been summoned and got out there it was halfway to our house. The idea that they know where to find help is nice but probably just confirmation bias.

The banshee wail they do when in distress is truly spine-chilling. I feel for you having to endure it for 3 days and if I was your cows I would want to sleep somewhere else too.

Remember rule 0 of wild European hedgehogs - If it's out in the day it's not okay. Contain it in a high-sided box (they are good climbers with long legs) and contact a local hedgehog rescue

Why machine-learning chatbots find it difficult to respond to idioms, metaphors, rhetorical questions, sarcasm

A Nother Handle
Paris Hilton

Re: Gosh

That comment was wicked.

NASA picks spot at Moon's South Pole to perform first ice-drilling experiment

A Nother Handle

Let's hope the residents don't think we're there to steal their soup.

UK government rolls out £3.6bn management consultancy framework amid scrutiny of rising external expertise spending

A Nother Handle

Re: Another day ..... another few billion announced

At first glance that is exactly what I thought the headline was saying.

'Extraordinary' pigs step in to protect Schiphol airport from marauding geese

A Nother Handle

Bastard geese

I stand in solidarity with the Reg's pig desk. I was bitten by a goose and in my opinion they're only good for eating.

Britain publishes 10-year National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

A Nother Handle

What a load of hot air

We cannot allow a data patent gap!

Punchy Biden-lookalike grandad goes viral for fighting boxing gadget

A Nother Handle

Re: yikes


Only 'natural persons' can be recognized as patent inventors, not AI systems, US judge rules

A Nother Handle

Re: Natural Persons?

That's not intent, that's momentum.

Leaked Guntrader firearms data file shared. Worst case scenario? Criminals plot UK gun owners' home addresses in Google Earth

A Nother Handle

Re: No surprises here

What, you largely eat vegans?

Chinese developers protested insanely long work hours. Now the nation's courts agree

A Nother Handle
Paris Hilton

Foot fetishism next?

Das tut mir leid! Germany's ruling party sorry for calling cops on researcher after she outed canvassing app flaws

A Nother Handle

coincidence or cock-up

So which was it? Or are they waiting for the JWST to give a second opinion?

Go to L: A man of the cloth faces keyboard conundrum

A Nother Handle

How long did he spend looking for the Any key?

Cyber insurance model is broken, consider banning ransomware payments, says think tank

A Nother Handle

Re: The Reg is writing fiction these days

I followed the link in this article to another Reg story claiming lack of trust in insurers because they sue their own customers. The 'evidence' there was two more links to one article about Mondelez (the insured) suing Zurich (their insurer). I agree that the Reg here is over-egging the insurers never pay angle on very flimsy evidence.

A well run insurer will pay out on valid claims because they have made a good assessment of the risks and priced accordingly. The point made in this article is that both data and agreed standard practice for responses to ransomware are in short supply and those risk assessments are basically guesswork. I would expect a higher proption of court disputes in that environment.

I do work for an insurer, but not anywhere near claims, and no I won't say which one.

John McAfee dead: Antivirus tycoon killed himself in prison after court OK'd extradition, says lawyer

A Nother Handle

Re: Great bloke ...?

There's no need for the "alleged" caveat. The dead can't sue for libel so we can just say he was a murdering rapist.
