* Posts by Sprismoid

18 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Feb 2013

Lithium-air: A battery breakthrough explained


Re: Boom AND Bust

"And have you every seen what happens if you short out a lead-acid battery with a spanner?"

Yeah. My father shorted out two big batteries on his boat once - not funny and he was lucky the flying spanner didn't kill him. It did make a fine mess of his face though (just barely missing an eye), and knocked him unconscious. He recovered fine though.


Voluminous Versailles vagina viciously violated – again


Re: poser art

Either that or you are a pretty good artist - like I am :)

Want Edward Snowden pardoned? You're in the minority, say pollsters


Fast Eddie?

Is that a reference to the original Fast Eddie of Motorhead fame. I have good memories of working with him and Fastway in the 80s on the soundtrack of the spoof horror movie Trick or Treat and other stuff..

Mobiles? What are they? Nokia immerses itself in virtual reality cameras


At long last - 25 years after we set up Virtual Studios in London :) Talk about being too far ahead of your time.. Oh well!

Great news though - this kind of "scene VR" will be huge.

Anyone need an experienced VR developer?


Did speeding American manhole cover beat Sputnik into space? Top boffin speaks to El Reg


Re: Very interesting story,

My father tracked the first orbit of Sputnik in Dublin using a rig he designed and built himself! Our family grew up with the sounds of various Russian and US satellites ringing around the house.. No wonder my sister built a SaturnV instead of a doll's house :) And I ended up here!!

Pavegen: The Company that can't make energy out of crowds tries to make money out of them


Re: North Korea use case..

Well I live and learn - human ingenuity never ceases..


North Korea use case..

Kim Jung whatever could use this to make an energy profit from the regular marches he organises with high energy (?) footfalls?

Or get those in prison camps to walk a lot - for their health?

Now could this be part of a solution for obesity? :)

Mines the one with lead lining - to make me more productive..

Well YES, Silicon Valley VCs do think you're a CRETIN


Re This whole discussion

I have to say this article and the comments are a great example of completely abstract concepts elucidated with concisely and clearly delineated editorialisation and commendable vocabulary skills.

Lovely to read of an evening!

Thanks all


What's Meg Whitman fussing over: The fate of HP ... or the font on a DISRUPTIVE new logo?


Re: thanks for that link

I did too -.

However could they not have provided a nice template for the Bingo card? seems like a lot of work to play - certainly more work than the average meeting demands.. :)


SCREW you, GLASSHOLES! Microsoft unveils HoloLens


Well, I still have my VPL and Virtual Research headsets from the early 90's and have been waiting patiently for the tech to "come of age" since then. To me it does seem as if we are really on the verge of the breakthrough we dreamed of when we were working with Division Transputer based parallel systems and then the SGI Reality Engine hardware way back then!

Roll it on I say..

I really want to get back into this business..


BBC abandons 3D TV, cites 'disappointing' results


Re: Immersion is the key to 3D

Yep, that is what I meant.

And retinal imagers can do this, with perfect acuity irrespective of the shape of your eye, so even if you normally wear glasses everything will be sharp due to the point source nature of the scanning light source..


Immersion is the key to 3D

The only 3D that matters is fully immersive stereoscopic..

We were doing it commercially from 1990 in Virtual Studios in Barnes in London.. We waited for the technology to mature, saw the retinal imaging prototypes etc. But where is it?

This will be a real game changer when it finally appears. I remember that some of the big corporations were worried about potential lawsuits resulting from what we called "reality clash", the effect of disorientation when you come out of the virtual space. To me that just proves it works.

I spent thousands of hours in low res immersive spaces and I'm ok.. :-)

Roll on the revolution!

Planetary data merge shows three Earth-like planets in close star system


Re: On the upside..

Why not send a number of probes out on slightly diverging vectors, forming a very long baseline optical/radio telescope, with the center probe aimed at the system.

Then we would start to get massively improved resolution very quickly, and first hand data 22 years after the center probe got close.

It would make the mission a lot more compelling, don't you think?


Acorn founder: SIXTH WAVE of tech will wash away Apple, Intel


Re: "the incumbent always misses the next wave"

I would have thought the ginormous contracts with Foxcon would certainly generate a lot of 'hardware development and manufacturing'....


Hex & plugs & ROM & roll: Computer music stars rock Bletchley

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Fairlight, the dream made real..

Must visit this..

In the eighties I was one of those Fairlight programmers, and had a wonderful time!!

I owned three Fairlight systems over the years, a Synclavier, and a PPG WaveTerm system!! That was back when technology cost a lot :-)

Ah, those were the days. Nothing compares (still) to the sound of the CMI III as a sampler.


Don't use Google+? Tough, Google Glass will inject it INTO YOUR EYES

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Re: But there ARE uses for this!

Having tried a prototype Retinal Imaging system at the University of Washington back in 1995 (Last century, like!) and been totally blown away and in awe of the potential for "hyper-realistic" (i.e. images that appear more vivid than the real world, I am convinced it is the game changing technology that will take VR and AR into the true mainstream.

It will then render(!) all other methods of HCI redundant, I think...


The universe speaks: 'It's time to get off your rock!'


Re: Issue of priorities

We should remember that the exploration of the past was also driven by the financial motive. Columbus was looking for riches for the queen of Spain, the wild west was conquered for gold etc..

Maybe DSI and the rest are really the natural heirs of that drive.

I wish them luck.

Positive icon!


Here I am thinking about doom and forgetting to work..

I had better get coding or I won't be able to afford either-

A: a ticket with Bill &Co, or

B: a mind transfer into the probe thingy A.I., or

C: oh and why do we always want to put a 'C' in every list of alternatives??

It's all too much :-)

Icon of doom!