how nice but...
pics or it didn't happen!
36 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2007
just another piece of resource-hungry eye-candy nobody needs. tree style tab can do the same job a lot easier and eating up a lot less resources. make it an extension for those who want it (well, they probably have got a mac so who cares anyway) and don't bug everybody else!
now we have schäuble. the big BUTs about this are:
it's only one step closer to their goal: total control over the ordinary mob
they will never ever catch a terrorist this way, they are not that dumb. they just need to boot from a usb stick, use an external hard drive, find an unencrypted wlan somewhere else and give heinrich müller*... sorry, i mean schäuble the finger.
*heinrich müller aka gestapo-müller was the gestapo-boss
... skull because the SS had that on their caps