* Posts by onefastskater

19 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2013

AWS wobbles in US East region causing widespread outages


Re: The baskets keep getting bigger

I tend to believe Mark Twain hit it on the head when he said, “Put all of your eggs in one basket and WATCH THAT BASKET.

AWS admits to 'severely impaired' services in US-EAST-1, can't even post updates to Service Health Dashboard


A message from iRobot ... Roomba

Contact iRobot Customer Care

An Amazon AWS outage is currently impacting our iRobot Home App. Please know that our team is aware and monitoring the situation and hope to get the App back online soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Was about to factory reset my Roomba when I came upon this note. Had to pass the vacuum cleaner the old fashion way!

You call Verizon. A Google bot answers. You demand a human. The human is told what to say by the bot


Re: I can hear the conversations already

It's all so sublime. I was on the telephone line with UPS - Uniter Parcel Service, in the US and was unable to change the delivery options for an Amazon package on line. "Technical difficulties, refresh your browser or try later". Sigh. None of the keywords worked I was stuck in and endless, mindless loop. The f'ing MBA's are a bunch of idiots. I hate to say it, really hate to say it, hope Bezos buries UPS.


Re: I can hear the conversations already

It's all so sublime. I was on the telephone line with UPS - United Parcel Service, in the US and was unable to change the delivery options for an Amazon package on line. "Technical difficulties, refresh your browser or try later". Sigh. None of the keywords worked I was stuck in and endless, mindless loop. The f'ing MBA's are a bunch of idiots. I hate to say it, really hate to say it, hope Bezo's buries UPS.

Oracle cloud supremo Thomas Kurian extends temp leave to the heat death of the universe


Re: Nothing new

I remember Ken Olsen @ DEC remarking that Unix was stale oil. History repeats itself.

Ex-FBI man spills on why hackers are winning the security game


Re: Typically wrong.

Except if is a dam in northern California! 12 years ago the government was challenged and decided not to spend the money. Damn.

Virgin America mid-flight panic after moron sets phone Wi-Fi hotspot to 'Samsung Galaxy Note 7'


My home Wifi network is broadcast as FBI Van 57! No Galaxy 7 involved.

Power cut crashes Delta's worldwide flight update systems


Re: the investment didn't make sense

Proving once again wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good!


Re: But for the grace of god...

Surely you don't mean clusters last stand!



Georgia Power spokesman John Kraft said a failure overnight of switch gear equipment caused the outage. He said other Georgia Power customers were not affected because it was an issue with Delta equipment, and said Georgia Power crews were on site working with Delta to repair the equipment.

IT boss 'set up fake companies to charge his employers $2.4m'



Where there is money there is mischief.

Comcast Com-templates Com-trashing Com-crap Com-pact Com-caps


Re: Yay Capitalism!

But wait there's more ...



Re: Yay Capitalism!

Google fiber is near my street (Atlanta metro area), trenching on the main street, surveying telephone poles in my neighborhood last Friday. Good bye Comcast. I don't care if costs me more I have vivid memories of the disdain Comcast has displayed to it's "valued customers". A lot of my neighbors can't wait either.

How IT are you? Find out now in our HILARIOUS quiz!


Re: As its Friday

DBA stands for Don't Bother Asking!

Comcast stabs set-top boxes in the back, pipes directly into smart TVs


Re: The cable companies had already been trying to push this "app" model

Where's the DVR? It's racked and stacked in a Comcast data center and the app simply provides a UI. You will still be locked in.

Miss Brittany dethroned for posting 'nude' Facebook pics


Re: Double standards?

What about machine gun jubblies?

eBay, Facebook, Tumblr ALL go TITSUP in me-too MULTI-FAIL


I do, I do, I do believe in spooks! It's scary out there be careful.

Ellison ditches own cloud keynote for billionaires' America's Cup boat race


Re: BREAKING NEWS - This just in...

My theory is that Larry has a small nuclear powered submarine with a big magnetic running under the bay just ahead of the Oracle Team USA boat!

When your losing try harder. If you are still losing cheat.

Cache 'n' carry: What's the best config for your SSD?


Re: Make your Own

I had to purchase a 15" MacBook Pro before the latest refresh that included retina displays, my old one died. Initially I was upset, yet lucky me the new MacBooks are not easily modified. I replaced the 750GB 5400rpm drive with a 7200rpm drive. I removed the DVD drive and replaced it with a 512GB SSD. I used the diskutil core storage commands to bind them into a volume and the machine is really fast. Someone mentioned a 12-15 second boot time and I regularly get 12-13 second boot up form a cold start. ~8 seconds of that is hardware check. I fly a lot and not only is the machine faster, but the battery life is extended because I'm not spinning a drive all the time. Would like to have the ability to pin a file on the SSD.