Still Unimpressed with IoT
As an experiment in new tech, I picked up a Google Home at a sale price when they first came out. On Google's product support forum many people complain about the "Hey Google" or "OK Google" trigger phrase, but it's a lot less likely to be triggered by mistake (unless a Google ad is playing that says "OK Google").
The only thing I use my GH for is to stream music from Pandora (ironically, it doesn't work well with my Google Play Music library). It sits on the headboard of my bed, and sound quality is good at close range (less than 12" from my ears), and it's marginally convenient to tell it to turn off the music at a set time, or tell it to stop when I'm ready to sleep.
After 18 months, I still don't see the point of the entire IoT product fad, including voice-activated devices, and I find the entire concept of IoT devices virtually useless. I set up a switch controlled by the GH, but it wasn't worth the effort. Elsewhere in my house I have motion-activated light switches, which work better, cost less, and work if there is an internet outage. Nothing in my experiences persuades me that IoT is a solution in search of a problem.