* Posts by Jim Coe

16 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2007

Reg hack desperately seeks deeply frustrated pensioner

Jim Coe

Alternate ?

Wiil I do, I'm almost 85 ? Not deeply frustrated but constanty utterly disgusted.

My number 1 election slogan, which I retain permanently in my window. covers it all.

"Goldman sacks the World."

What sealed Nokia's fate?

Jim Coe

"Sequences shortened"

To me. an old bloke with longsight an big shaky fingers, this is what gives me iphobia,apart from an 18 month contract with 3 (foreign) or O2 (foreign) at a price which assumes that I want to multitask whilst driving, shopping or sleeping

I regard a mobile phone as an excellent portable device for calling Emergency, Home or a taxi.For OS and UI I have Desktops, Laptops.Netbooks and Media Centres,with achoice of Unix .Linux. Windows, Android, Chrome and what have you.

But, none of this matters any more because Goldman sacks the World.

Greens: Abandon economic growth to beat CO2 offshoring

Jim Coe
Paris Hilton

But it has started already

Your standard of living is already reducing,rising energy prices are already making ordinary people cut back.

Go buy your stupid Range Rover- even you wiil soon be unable to afford fuel for it!

China and India will, amongst others, strip Africa, South America, Indonesia, the Arctic, and the Antarctic of all natural resources long before the West stop posturing about "Reducing Carbon" and actually do anything about it.

Then war and starvation, (and sterility of "Caucasians") will reduce our "Carbon Based Species" to the desired level.

Paris , because like most of recent contributors, she nknows about posturing.

The FDRs of Green explain the gentle art of planet saving

Jim Coe

Back to basics?

For every profit made by business there is a loss made by another busines,individual or group.Huge profits beget huge losses. With all this claptrap about economies ,free markets, individual freedoms etc.which government, which CEO or CFO or news editor cares a damn for all the millions of ordinary people who have lost their homes or their savings.

"Capitalist" really means "I have a lot of money (usually made dubiously) and you will work for me to make me more ,which will never be enough!"

Western business greed at the expense of the rest of the world (and of their own) is beginning to tear everything apart."Democracy" - what a laugh "This is my Dollar mate, you're nor worth a cent!

EU abolishes the acre

Jim Coe

Just wait........

Until they abolish miles =="sorry Officer I thought it meant 80 miles per hour!"

Severe weather warning--winds gusting up to 100 (km/hr)

Petrol is now 1,80 a litre (euros)

112,5 gram beefburger

"This the BBC 20.00 News " (standard european time)

And what will they call a furrow? Not a bloody French one I hope!

Jim Coe

NotoID as well..

Ignore this as EU is now illegal having ignoted it's own rules on new treaty(constitution).In faddition, UK is no longer a member having ratified the treatty without the consent o its people by referendum,

Vista SP1 downloaders bite back

Jim Coe


When I replaced an old Toshiba laptop with a high end Asus laptop with Vista HP on it I firstly found UAC to be a stupid persistant nuisance- so I switched it off.Then I found that all the pointless gadgets slowed everything to a crawl, so I switched them off.

Finally when I installed Firefox as my broswer in place of Internet Explorer so the world and his dog didi not have access to my computer. the desktop froze solid when I clicked a link in Firefox- and all this on a laptop with an Intel core 2 Duo processor, which did not appear to be any quicker than my Toshiba with a Celeron.

So it was back to XP- which would not dual boot as M$ said it would-and a recovery install of Vista which, unobstructed , took 1 hour and 55 minutes.I only want XP to shop at Tesco.

A 20 minute download and thirty minute install of Fedora 8 found my video card my lan and my wireless connections without intervention and it boots up faultlessly in under thirty seconds.

Fan boy? Bitter experience! I have never had a blue screen with any flavour of Linux.

Bank turns London man into RFID-enabled guinea pig

Jim Coe

What I will do .....

I will use cash for all my purchases, and keep my cards in a metal container/ shopping on line should remain relatively fraud free.

Because a 40 hour week would yield £21,600 (not £2,160) ==why play football twice a week if you can get the same reward by hanging around

Teflon top cop evades justice, responsibility

Jim Coe
Thumb Down

No point!

Losing Blair 1 has not done the country any good, losing Blair 2 wont either.

Oz motorist reacts rather testily to small todger slur

Jim Coe

Has it ever occurred to anyone.....

That all the problems besetting the world today are caused by just one thing.....Surplus male testosterone.

Its effects range from mild boasting (sometimes evident even here), through to preening,belligerence,greed, violence and on to murder.

For example, a lot is added to the USA's favaourite food--steak!

Has it also been added to Danish/ German/English lager

Lords debate airline liquids ban

Jim Coe
Thumb Down

Make a point?

Surely the most recent and most effective liquid bombs were used for 9/11?

If the whole idea of air travel is to cicumvent the safety regulations and be proud of it, maybe you should reflect that the silently praying fellow traveller next to you may have got away with a bottle of nitro.

You pays your money and you takes your chance!

Google updates desktop for Linux

Jim Coe

Good boy, ex-pat, back in your vista box!

I am neither fat ,nor spotty or sweaty and far to old to be a nerd,and if I am a fan -Register- I am an fanoldboy!

There you are sitting behind your rotting apples waiting for another lock down,spied on by vista if you dare install it, rootkitted by sony,crippled by yellow resellers in terror of big ballmer.

I have a core 2 duo lap top laptop which was rendered almost useless by vista, and restricted by resellers fear of M$ and not daring to supply Linux drivers/

i have never had any problem installing or using Linux in all flavours,If you can read and type English you can change anything you want,-you cant even get vista to understand that you might want to change anything.

I used to like Vista. the landscape generating Amiga programme, I refuse to accept M$ blatant theft of the name.

UK gov offers car CO2 rankings by class

Jim Coe

I'm confused

I have always been at a loss to understand how these figures are arrived at.

How can it be that my gas guzzler produces at least 1500gm of CO2 on a 10km journey whilst using less than 1150gm of fuel ( I don't know the exact specific gravity of unleaded petrol)?

If we are surrounded by such huge volumes of CO2, it will be dangerous to kneel down soon, as near the poisoned lakes in Africa.

Mobile-mast danger is all in your head

Jim Coe

United Skeptics?

Has anyone ever walked under a 137,000 volt power line holding a fluorescent tube?

Medical double blind experiments are about as reliable as tabloid celebrity exclusives or BBC exposees.

During World War 2 I saw many people dive for cover after hearing a V2 "coming" after it had been, it was all in their heads and it certainly did harm!

MS Patch Tuesday to include trio of 'critical' fixes

Jim Coe

Some Patches

I too have a new Core 2 Duo laptop which, instead of being a powerful machine, has been reduced to a juddering hulk by Vista Home -Premium(?) OEM, which latter is not even a complete OS!

I can work for 95% on Linux, and if Tesco would only recognise Firefox it would be 97 1/2%.

If I was a blt younger and could find a decent programming course , I would

write my own patches like many Linux users do,tell the original author,and post them on the Net.

'al-Qaeda' puts on big shoes, red nose, takes custard pie

Jim Coe

And incidentally.

If the Glasgow (Globally Indoctrinated?)

pair had used their mates Mercedes they could not have swerved into the terminal- but of course you know why!

Also I have not noticed that English spelling is great on this site,but as a seasoned traveller I am sure you have noted that local spelling does vary and ethnic groups have many different names, like BRITS