Phone lines are still open, we should make a direct campaign from people to people.
Posts by xehpuk
57 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Feb 2013
Details of '120,000 Russian soldiers' leaked by Ukrainian media
Microsoft loves Linux – as in, it loves Linux users running Linux desktop apps on Windows PCs
Want more integration
Will try this, well some day. But now I want more, what would really be nice would be a Windows version that runs inside a container. Just imagine how convenient for IT to let users have a container version. When users log out the container can be backed upp to server. If they log in on another HW the container gets downloaded on the fly. Most users probably have similar files so some deduplication would be nice so files already present don't need to be transferred again. If a machine breaks just take another and continue as if nothing happened. Would solve a lot of windows legacy were every user need to be admin also. They can be admin on their container Windows but not necessarily on the host computer. All this updating can be done while users container version is residing on the server. Backup is inherent and reverting to some old state will not be a problem. /Henrik
Citibank accidentally wired $500m back to lenders in user-interface super-gaffe – and judge says it can't be undone
Re: Double keying already used in some banking applications
It's even more complicated. The bank was just the agent. A cosmetic firm had borrowed the money. The lenders had already sued to get their money back in advance since the cosmetic firm is in trouble. So when the money dropped in they argue it's totally believable that lender had caved in before court hearings. So now the bank might end up having to use their own money to cover it. So suddenly it is the banks money at stake.
ISS? More like HISS, am I right? Space station air leakage narrowed down to Russia's Zvezda module
Proposed US fix for Boeing 737 Max software woes does not address Ethiopian crash scenario, UK pilot union warns
I think you are on to something. But instead of a whip. How about tear gas to quickly move all passengers to the absolute rear. Instead of trying this underdimensioned hand crank.
Also remember that this hand crank is the same on 737NG (it's not new to the Max, AKA 737-8). So all those pilots better be lining up for the gym now anyway.
Another rewrite for 737 Max software as cosmic bit-flipping tests glitch out systems – report
Re: So...
I work with rail safety SW. We only need 2 channels (SIL4) since emergency brake is always an option. It's possible to use 2 flight computers if they have internal safety redundancy such as lock step. If so 2 computers is just fine. Reading this article it seems they are not. OMG!
For relevant and interesting reading I would recommend looking up QF72. It was an Airbus back in 2008 that did a brutal nose dive due to a single faulty angle of attack sensor value. Sound familiar?
It might have been a bit flip due to cosmic (or other) radiation but the root cause was never determined. It's a long story.
Brexit? HP Inc laughs in the face of Brexit! Hard or soft, PC maker claims it's 'no significant risk'
Could you just pop into the network room and check- hello? The Away Team. They're... gone
Re: At home
Did you actually crawl or more like hunch down still on 2 legs only? Keeping low is good but laying down is not good when lots of current flows in the ground. All those sheep were probably killed because they have 4 legs so ground current could pass their hearts. For humans that ground current usually don't reach the heart. Or so I have believed.
UK joins growing list of territories to ban Boeing 737 Max flights as firm says patch incoming
Surprise! VAT, customs likely to get a bit trickier in a Brexit no-deal world
Heatwave shmeatwave: Brit IT departments cool their racks – explicit pics
Wires, chips, and LEDs: US trade bigwigs detail Chinese kit that's going to cost a lot more
Batteries are so heavy, said user. If I take it out, will this thing work?
I had 2 students on a lab exercise once. It was about logic circuits. They had connected according to the schematics. But it did not work. They had no idea what could be wrong. I asked them if they had power. They just looked like question marks. After a while they reluctantly connected the 5V I pointed at. It still did not work. Ok well how about ground? They outright refused to do it. 0V was pointless to them. I had to connect it and show that now it worked. Electricity needs a return path. Thing is this was a masters of science in electrical engineering program. They should not have been there. They must have entered on som foreign students quota or something.
HMS Queen Lizzie impugned by cheeky Scot's drone landing
BOFH: Oh go on. Strap me to your Hell Desk, PFY
Re: That's funny
I got one for my 10 year son. Ordered it after he claimed he could not do his homework since the desk/chair was wrong height for him. I have no metrics on homework productivity before and after. The desk is quite solid though. If they figured out how to provide for the power and ethernet cords it would be perfect.
LIGO physicists eyeball a new gravitational wave
Re: Two solar masses (in energy) escaped
One theory to explain how gravity (gravitons if those exist) seemingly escapes the black hole is that it's space itself that holds and propagates (sort of remembers) the gravity field. It does not need to be connected to the mass inside. Within the space around the black hole there is then information about how much mass is inside the event horizon. But that is just one theory. It don't fully explains gravitons etc. there is a lot of phenomenas where quantum theory and general relativity don't play with each other.
Distro watch for Ubuntu lovers: What's ahead in Linux land
Riddle of cannibal black hole pairs solved ... nearly: Astroboffins explain all to El Reg
Bloke whose drone was blasted out of sky by angry dad loses another court battle for compo
Three certainties in life: Death, taxes and the speed of light – wait no, maybe not that last one
It may be just a point of view
Speed of light is our reference since the formulas make out to be simpler that way. It is definitely possible to set up formulas where a changing light speed over history is used.
To explain big bang and inflation we could see it as light speed dropping while the universe stay att the same size. Inside the universe a reduction of light speed would look exactly same as inflation since that is what we use to measure distances.
For me that way of looking at it is useful to understand how big bang could happen everywhere. It did not happen in a single point from which it expanded.
Since It only changes the point of view, I can not imagine any experiments that could prove it one way or the other. What could happen though is that with more observations more complicated formulas are needed to explain them and some day using a variable light speed would make a less complicated model.
For now Ochams razor say light speed is constant.
NASA trying to rein in next-generation super-heavy lifter costs
Re: Letter to NASA
I read somewhere that skylon would not be able to compete with a reused falcon9. Probably because the payload on a single stage to orbit will be very small.
A two stage version seams more feasible and is indeed investigated:
Personally I would like to see something like bristol spaceplanes hope to make:
DNS devastation: Top websites whacked offline as Dyn dies again
If ISPs had proper egress filtering DDoS should be possible to handle.
Any site should be able to send a message to the net saying block all traffic from that IP to me. The ISP closest to offending node then applies this filtering for an hour or so.
Even if attacked by a million nodes, sending out a million block messages should be doable.
You're fired (into space)! Trump tops Martian ejaculation poll
BOFH: What's your point, caller?
From the other side of things
Many years ago, before everybody had mobile phones. I needed something from IT department. They never answered. But then I dialed 0 then full number to make it look like an external call. The call was answered immediately. I do not remember the rest but think I got what I needed after some complaints about calling her "private" number. At that time calls from outside where likely not work related.
I only now realise what risk I took.
Hands up, who prayed for AMD? Well, it worked
Boffins: There's a ninth planet out there – now we just need to find it
Female blood-suckers zero in on human prey by smelling our breath
It's the FALKLANDS SYNDROME! Fukushima MELTDOWN to cause '10,000 Chernobyls' in South Atlantic
Italy's High Court orders HP to refund punter for putting Windows on PC
I think the real issue here was the EULA thing
I think the real issue here was the EULA thing. Yes its clear the laptop came with Windows but it was not clear that some additional agreement must be made to use it and above all not what to do if it is not agreed upon.
Analogies to google and Apple are halting, they do not enjoy a near monopoly as Microsoft used to have. This was a high court ruling so it must have been in process for some years. Today MS is a little less of a monopoly. I was happy to find the Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition which come with Linux instead of Windows.
The most important thing governments and can do is stop assuming everybody have MS Office. Communication with authorities should be done with open document formats only. If government require people to use something sold only by one maker then that is a monopoly not just a near monopoly.
Marvell: NO WAY should we have to pay jumbo $1.54bn patent judgment
Re: USPTO liability?
What? If they don't charge anything for rejected applications. Not only would it provide an incentive to approve questionable patents. It will also encourage companies and people to send in piles of questionable patent applications. In Sweden I think sending the application in is free but if the fee of 3000 SEK (about $450) is not payed it will not be processed and never reach approval. No refund if its rejected. For approved patents there is a yearly fee, which increases dramatically after some years.
Windows 8.1: A bit square, sure, but WAIT! It has a Start button
FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS: Microsoft faces prising XP from Big Biz
Exciting MIT droplet discovery could turbocharge power plants, airships and more
DARPA: You didn't think we could make a Mach 6 spaceplane, so let us have this MACH TEN job
Microsoft's VDI deals make Windows Server cheapest desktop OS
Re: Headline Misleading
Windows TCO is worst of all for the HOME user. Even OSX will cost less in the long run, much less.
To have a useful Windows machine you will spend a day installing all application programs. Find a start menu replacement. Then pay a yearly fee for AV. After time your kids get viruses on it anyway. So start all over installing again. Time is money.
Companies make clones so reinstalling is not a big issue for them, They don't let kids in and don't mind paying yearly fees. So for them Windows is probably fine (just don't put company secrets on them).
With Linux I install all those 10+ apps I use with one command line, take a cup of tea while computer does the work and its done. That is TCO for me!
Microsoft's $7.1bn Nokia gobble: Why you should expect the unexpected
Thought the PC market couldn't get any worse? HAH! Think again
Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid: Eco, economy and diesel power
YouTube Wars: Microsoft cries foul as Windows Phone app pulled again
There are others
There should be more than 2 players on a healthy market. Be it phone OSes or desktop OSes.
MS already have near monopoly on the desktop. Remember how MS have abused their position in the past.
And what is Windows 8? Did they make it to improve the experience of their existing customers who pay for it? Or did they do it that way so that it would help them sell their tablet and phone OS? I say the later.
So I do hope someone else than MS will fill that third spot, Blackberry or Ubuntu phone would be better. Someone mentioned Firefox OS that would be great.
Despite Microsoft Surface RT debacle, second-gen model in the works
Ubuntu boss: I want to make a Linux hybrid mobe SO GIVE ME $32m
I think if I don't help in this then who will.
All of us who don't want NSA snooping in our pockets should help projects like this. I have contributed but I doubt target will be reached. Anyway if target is not reached and the money returned, then at least I did put my money where my mouth is during the 30 days.
Open source smartphone OS?
Cyanogenmod is rather open source Android but still needs some binary drivers as far as I know?
I think perhaps Replicant is fully open source variant of Android?
Then there is Firefox OS. They have some phone out in Spain if I am correct.
Today Canonical presented the edge crowd funding campaign. I hope enough open source fans will contribute to it to make it happen. Go to" or ""
I did contribute to it. Or rather promised to contribute, if the target is not reached there will not be any edge phone and contributions will be returned.