* Posts by Deadly Chicken

11 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2013

Surface Pro 2: It's TOOL-PROOF and ultimately destined for LANDFILL

Deadly Chicken

No, you can go via the MS my service site for surface and get an out of warrantee repair from them. If someone wants to try and make a business by undercutting MS then go for your life, but its not like there isn't an option.

Microsoft pulls Win 8.1 RT code which upgraded Surface 'slabs into BRICKS

Deadly Chicken

well its there now ? downloading as we speak on a win 8 pro tablet ;)

Deadly Chicken

well my surface RT, my 5 year old dell laptop, and my custom built desktop all updated without a single hiccup. Quite quickly too.

its obviously not universal. From what I can gather some laptops are having trouble due to a lack of driver support, which is poor as the preview has been out for quite some time now. plenty of time to update the drivers.

Windows 8.1: A bit square, sure, but WAIT! It has a Start button

Deadly Chicken

I personally like the changes, I thought 8 was good and no where near the horror show that some people who have you believe.

8.1 has refined the experience a whole lot

Whats not to like, it offers everything that 7 does with added speed, and a great touch interface and symmetry across devices.

'Please, steal my phone' TV ads by T-Mobile US slammed by legal eagles

Deadly Chicken

lol tbh I thought it was kinda funny :)

Windows 8.1: Read this BEFORE updating - especially you, IT admins

Deadly Chicken

You don't need to have purchased a volume licence. its on MS partner network

Here comes Windows 8.1! Microsoft grits teeth, pushes upgrade to world

Deadly Chicken

I love how people feel that because their interface now has the ability to use touch, that the mouse and keyboard should be thrown out ?

people wishing for the start menu back, so that they can pin things to it ?? lol how about you pin those things to the task bar ?

Windows 8 does everything that windows 7 can do and some. People whinging that they are out of touch because they have a voiable touch based product, which is the only expanding market there is, MS have done the only thing they could to stay relevant. and guess what everyone else is trying to do the same thing.

Android on phones, tablets and hybrids, Linux on phones tablets and desktops

flat interfaces on ios

I don't think there is a single valid argument against windows 8 in this entire comments thread.

Microsoft sold out of Surface tablets in the UK... YEP, all 2,000 units

Deadly Chicken

Whatever the sales or spin, the surface RT is a great tablet. The ipad looked nice, android was cheap (and it turns out, nasty) but the surface is actually useful rather than superfluous.

To be fair I found browsing on the android tablets or ipad unappealing and I would rather get up, walk to my desk from the couch and turn on my PC than browse from either device. But the surface actually got used in this manner, its also been used for work editing office documents and connecting to remote desktop session with full mouse support.

If I needed a new laptop then maybe I would consider the pro, its not like you HAVE to use touch for those desktop applications, the fact that when you are not using those applications you CAN use touch to browse for example, is a plus not a negative.

But for me the RT version holds so much more value, secure, simple, functional, versatile, lightweight and long lasting. Seriously sales and spin aside its a great product, I don't get why people cant seem to see that ?

Scientists to IPCC: Yes, solar quiet spells like the one now looming can mean Ice Ages

Deadly Chicken

"I was listening to Radio 4's "Tle Life Scientific" recently Professor Joanna Haigh (27/Aug) who specialises in this area was very clear - The sun's output does affect the Earth's temperature, but she would never suggest that the sun's output was anything like as important to global warming as CO2. "

erm, hate to point out that the ONLY thing that effects the temperature on earth is the sun, without it we would be cold, with it where it is, we are warm.

To say that CO2 has a bigger effect on the temperature on the earth than the sun is one of the stupidest things a scientist has ever said.

Microsoft Surface 2 fondleslabs finally get off ground with airline order

Deadly Chicken

I had 2 android tablets, and 1 ipad before I got my surface RT, the ipad was next to useless for anything work related, the android tablets could do some stuff but essentially didn't gets used ( like yours ) because they were more annoying to use than to get up and uwait for a desktop PC to turn on. ( ok I went somewhere once where I needed a gps and it was good except it didn't last the journey as the battery got drained having to be on wifi tethered to my phone and using gps. )

However the surface RT has allowed me to not lug around my giant laptop anymore, the laptop is now a desktop as it stays docked always, the tablet has become my mobile workstation and is hugely productive.

As for using the iplayer app ... err .. it doesn't need one, I just go to the iplayer website and view the full content using the built in browser, the reason ios needs so many apps is because its browser is severely limited in what it can do, the surface has a great browser and many of these "must have" apps like facebook etc are not required because you can pin the page to your start screen and instead of a limited app that you have to learn how to use, you get the full website.

People are such sheep these days, they hear some press and marketing propaganda and go about repeating it verbatim

lol if you think MS paid delta to use their tablets, no doubt they got a great deal on them, but I suspect you could too if you rang up and said you want 11000.

Is your Surface Pro a bit full? Slot in an SD card, it's not from Apple

Deadly Chicken

what is the problem ??

Its a full windows PC ?? so it has a bigger application pool then any other tablet, particularly for productivity.

You can install applications to an sdcard, it has similar battery life to the closest sized MacBook air, or similar spec windows ultra books, but its thinner and lighter.

my windows 8 media center takes up 21GB, there is a 2 GB recovery partition ? hardly the end of the world is it. Plenty of space for an ultrabook form factor.