* Posts by dch0ar

12 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Oct 2014

So you want to save energy? Ditch web apps and go native, boffins say



The authors are not scientists as they appear not to have visited the lectures on precision and accuracy. Their figures are given tremendous accuracy. How certain are they that the numbers are correct?

Man who nearly killed physical media returns with $60,000 vinyl turntable


Re: Wrong material

I saw somewhere that cedar cable supports are better than pine. Never tried because I'm not so gullible.

Apple said to be removing charger, headphones from upcoming iPhone 12 series


Further insult

Drivers of an Audi Q7 have an IQ of 7

Whatsapp blamed own users for failure to keep phone number repo off Google searches

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Security Question

Everyone accuses Whatsapp of slurping information but has no concrete examples. Just like the Huawei problem where it is supposed that information could be tapped but there is no published evidence.

In tribute to Galaxy Note 7, BBC iPlayer support goes up in flames for some Samsung TVs



Use a Google Chromecast combined with the broadcaster's app on your mobile or tablet to watch the output many TV providers. It costs about £30 and defeats TV obsolescence. All it needs is an HDMI input.

Google now minus Google Plus: Social mini-network faces axe in data leak bug drama


Kill it?

Will we be now allowed to uninstall it from mobiles, together with any other Google forceware?

Google shaves half a gig off Android Poundland Edition


Android garbage

Three failings in Android. Why are apps so bloated? Why is it not possible to uninstall unwanted Google apps and why is the memory management so poor - memory leakage must be rampant?

How to make your HTML apps suck less, actually make some money


Android garbage

It would be good if the garbage could be stripped out. Also Android accumulates dead space in its caches and data space. At least it is better than IoS on iPads where rescuing memory can only be done by reinstalling an app, which is impossible with compulsory apps.

Unloved Microsoft Edge is much improved – but will anyone use it?


Chrome Home button

By using 'Settings' you can add a Home button to Chrome and set its URL

Happy days for second-hand smartphone sales



I am always sceptical about the accuracy of the numbers the marketeers predict - to the nearest 0.1%. Does anyone ever check afterwards or do the figures disappear into the bit bucket?

Supercomputers in 2030: Lots of exaflops and LOTS of DRAM


Misunderstood Moore's Law

Moore's Law is no law. It only tells you about past performance, just like the health warnings in advertisements about future performance. It gives no guidance whatsoever about how to improve performance.

PEAK APPLE: iOS 8 SHUNNED by refusenik fanbois

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Useless changes

The new feature of Safari's shrinking address bar is a pointless change. Every time you want to use it you need to tap it to reveal the controls. Most of the other changes have been made to make it look different.