It could be used like a motel by passing aliens. :-)
63 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2013
Been experimenting with Debian and Fedora and just upgraded all my laptops to Fedora 39 (alright, I have too many laptops). Can't be doing with Gnome, so all are KDE Plasma. I haven't found the need to restore my Windows into a VM on Linux yet - after six months. Maybe never will again? :-)
According to "QUIC at 10,000 feet": "QUIC includes a connection identifier which uniquely identifies the connection to the server regardless of source. This allows the connection to be re-established simply by sending a packet, which always contains this ID, as the original connection ID will still be valid even if the user's IP address changes."
Sounds like another way of tracking you when your IP address changes?
Alright, I've upgrade the CPU from 2.0GHz to 2.6GHz, upped the RAM to 8GB AND put in an SSD.
It flippin flies now. (WIndows 10, Office 2019, Visual Studio 2019, OoenSCAD, Arduino IDE etc)
(Alright, VS2019 compile times are a bit iffy, but hey)
I reckon it's got a nother 10 years life left in it now.
At least 33Bn squid spent on full fibre roll out will have more payback (and hence more useful) than the 11Bn squid squandered on electricity Smart Meters.
Also, VM twonks still think that the copper Co-axial wire coming into my house constitutes A Fibre Connection - stupid cunts. Dumped them for Vodfone (50Mbps over copper), as VM keep charging me extra for the FREE UPGRADE to 100Mbps (from 50Mbps). Like I said before - cunts.
"A subset of customers using Virtual Machines, Storage, SQL Database, Key Vault, App Service, Site Recovery, Automation, Service Bus, Event Hubs, Data Factory, Backup, API management, Log Analytics, Application Insight, Azure Batch Azure Search, Redis Cache, Media Services, IoT Hub, Stream Analytics, Power BI, Azure Monitor, Azure Cosmo DB or Logic Apps"
Just sayin'
When I was a teenager back in the mid 70s, i accidentally blew up a medium sized elctolytic capacitor in my bedroom.
I had a home made bench PSU capable of supplying upto 25Volts at around 5Amps.
I accidentally connected the capacitor the wrong way round. It was fun to see the needles on the Voltmeter and Ammeter slowly rising until they both shot up to FSD, then BANG. lots of flying fluff and ears ringing.
Did that stop me? No. The rest of the bag of about 25 caps, were dangled out of my bedroom window and hanging on Crock Clips. Great fun was had. Wow, the echo around the neighbourhood.
It did discolour the wall just below my window though.
Ah, happy days!!
I remember writing a very small COBOL program (back in the Jurassic period, I think it was) of around 100 lines. I missed ONE full-stop out, leading to 400+ error messages!!!
I inserted the offending missed full-stop ( by replacing the erroneous 80 column punched card ) and all the errors disappeared.
Yep, bought my Note 3 on release day 4 plus years ago, battery has just died after 4yrs and 2 months. £8 for new battery, fitted in seconds.
Phone still going strong in my son's hands now. I've stupidly bought a Galaxy S8+ (Nice, realy nice phone, although I dropped and SMASHED (not cracked) screen within two months. It's so easy to drop, it's in a full wrap-around rubberised case now. SAFE!
I think I'm gonna get a simple feature phone next time. I'll be happy with just calls, texts & email on my mobile. I prefer a 7" tablet for everything else. (I'm an old git, as advised by my User-Name.)
EE still insist that I am in a "yellow" 4G Double Speed area, with excellent outdoor coverage and GOOD indoor coverage.
Why then, is my Galaxy S8 constantly on Voice over WiFi at home? (my indoor signal is almost non existent) I can't even send texts reliably from home, so 2G signal must also be questionable too.
I'm not buying any new services, until I get what I'm paying for with my current ones.
Reminds me of the Moon Lander program that I used to play on an old ICL 1902T* via Teletype back in the early 70s. Constantly inputting retro fire commands and getting back speed and height readings before going again.
I don't think I every landed as gracefully as this though!!!
*The ICL 1902T was OLD, even then!
I have a two month old Pro 3. I put the latest version of Fedora (22?) on, installation went well.
Keyboard and touch pad worked, touch worked but pen did not.
ALSO, and this is a biggy for me, It didn't toggle between Tablet and Desktop mode on removing/installing keyboard.
And, although I hate to say it, I found Windows 10 to be a much more polished overall experience than Fedora; I guess that's what keeps drawing me back to Windows. Just got to fix the privacy issues now.
I've had idiot bosses who are so lame, their only recourse was to shout at staff. VERY unprofessional.
I've had bad bosses shout at me before now, I just laughed in their face and walked out.
It amounts to bullying. NO ONE has the right to bully me!!!
Torvalds is a clearly a BAD manager, and has been promoted beyond his capabilities. Stick him back in a locked room so that he can carry on working his Linuxy magic, but have no contact with real people.