* Posts by user079

4 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jan 2013

Half of youngsters would swap PRIVACY for... cheaper insurance


Re: The UK has that

Not the same. It is often stipulated that you are only allowed to drive a car registered to someone else under consent and as long as it is not a regular activity. You can't just share a car with a partner because you are insured on your own, for that you must still be a named drive. Also, we have to pay road tax and then insurance.

Orange is the new TalkTalk of the broadband complaints league


Re: Tell me about it.....

Did you have a special business offering from Orange? As far as I know their services are residential. You really shouldn't use a residential broadband service (including the VOIP service they bundled) for business purposes, you don't get the same level of guarantees or restitution.


Re: "free if you get your phone line from us"

By your strict adherence to the word "free" (which I'm not saying is a bad thing) then we have to acknowledge that just about all business offereings that include something "free" are false. We can't really hold Orange alone up to this one, especially as their "free" broadband required you to already have a mobile contract with them in the first place.

Fedora project may expel MySQL


Re: I am so glad ..

@Miek : I'm all for promoting Open Source, but your argument is invalid. You are changing an apples to apples comparison to an apples to oranges comparison. Comparisons need to be fair and based on what we know, are you suggesting we should compare MySQL SQL Server's known vulnerabilities againt a hypothesised figure for SQL Server because you don't like the Microsoft way? Or perhaps we level the playing field and guess how many vulnerabilities we don't know about for both? It would be fantastical to suggest we already know all MySQL vulnerabilities, how are we to determine the figure of that which do not know? Either way, it is not going to produce an unbiased and skewed result. Just like anything else, we have to work with the knowns, not the unknowns.