By eck
You go to some posh charity shops dont'cha?
1023 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jan 2013
Romanian word = english translation.
Precum = such as.
Cum = How
The former i learned from my new cycle instruction manual, these days a CD with some 50 languages installed. Fat load of use that's gonna be when i have a problem 40 miles from home.
I don't know the details, but i'd gladly wager that such as IT contractors, on the whole, pay a considerable amount of tax to HMRC ( even if that is less than they would as employees) whereas the poor Uber and Lyft drivers most likely can pay no contributions to the IRS out of their minimal income, net of car costs etc.
Didn't the article state that Apple did, as one of three reasons why the guy couldn't be credited, say precisely that the work wasn't novel?
So maybe the Judge should simply declare "Patents Invalid - End of Case" and order the USPO to deal with their invalidation?
Edit : posted when i got this far, didn't see Tromos' post lower down until later.
"Think seriously about the issue. Public transport is HORRIBLE during a plague. If you have to get around, say, for food, exactly what is a person to do? Somehow, you need a ride."
Err, walk? May even have the side effect of reducing Obesity which seems to be a major factor whether coronavirus is fatal to the individual or not.
Cycle? With or without paniers. Same effect as above.
Backpack and balance one carrier bag on each handlebar can carry a surprising amount of food per trip. Multiple trips per day allowed, even during UK lockdown.
Tip : If only balancing one carrier bag on the handlebars place it to the kerbside.
At a lower, but still electable level:
One Mayor of a northern working class town Middlesboro, whose town is assessed as having the greatest propensity for locals to catch Covid-19, in his infinite wisdom and powers, totally shuts off all lawful access to great big wide open spaces (oft known as parks). Wow, that'll help.
Liverpool's Mayor is now reportedly castigating the Government for allowing the Liverpool v Athletico Madrid footie match to go ahead, allegedly being the cause of a lot of cases and deaths. Yeah great hindsight.
But what did he do to stop it occurring?
Beware the individual politician with all that power. Misused or neglected. And yes, the locals voted them in.
Ok, ok, uniquely difficult times (in my lifetime) but i was amazed how generous this new Chancellor was with his massive giveaway in his rush to appear POPULAR with the masses. The precedent is set.
Mulit-millionaire bosses ( billionaires if you take top tier football clubs), indeed multi-millionaire footballers, struggling to get by on 20% less, while ordinary workers are dumped on the Govt tab.
Maybe the scheme should have required that ALL of its staff, board room down are to be furloughed at £2500 a month max, no exceptions, if any are?
"as a way to persuade senior employees not to leave, and to commit to making things work."
Or, as frequently happened in the early to mid 80's when these share incentive schemes really took off, you knew precisely when senior staff would leave. Three years and one month from the granting of the options. The moment the Share Option purchase was enacted and processed. And onto the next firm offering such inducements.
I personally was sat next to my boss as he signed his Option form, garnering circa 5 years of Salary tax free, and then calmly signed his Resignation letter. No surprise to the Board either.
Once upon a time, there came this beguiling (of some) political entity with the catchy slogan "Education, Education, Education."
And once, where children had learned to play together in nurseries, occasionally sociably, was then foisted upon them the "National Curriculum".
Together with £100's bns in welfare payments. And student loans.
This policy will be bearing fruit massively any day now, so surely such moronic behaviour will soon be a thing of the past?
ps Miss A. Holden may be the typical dumb blonde bimbo but i wouldn't say no to a session, or more, with her.
So it's perfectly fine for me to go out on 20 seperate cycle trips in the day, being just the one form of exercise.
Besides, where are all these enforcement cops going to appear from?
Aside from a major event with crowd control, when did you last see a Police Officer in person? I rotate my shopping round 3 town centres and cant recall ever seeing one, for years.
This morning there was an article on the main BBC news website page*, detailing the precise opposite.
Gay people, who because of the virus "had no choice"** but to live at home with their "homophobic" parents. Is "heterophobia" a thing, and how it seems acceptable to abuse their parents.
* Not apparent 30 mins ago, don't know if its been moved or deleted.
** Everyone has a choice, could they not move in with their friends, even if platonically? It's a bit sad when they don't even have a friends couch to turn to.
That bit about being vulnerable reminded me of this :
A few years back, a fair few, Terry Wogan told the story on air of the time they were playing golf, he was just about to play a shot when a rare butterfly landed on his ball.
Couple seconds later "ooooh look, it's even rarer now."
Square 1 :
Is there any evidence that the Def. sought an OOTB solution.
Square 2 :
Is there any evidence that the Clm. offered to deliver an OOTB solution.
Square 3
is there any evidence that such a contract was agreed?
Square 4
is there any evidence that an OOTB solution, any solution was delivered in an operable state, anywhere near within 9 months, if at all?
Judge :
Right, i judge for the Def. I'm off down the pub for beer and sandwiches, anyone wish to join me. Oh, and the Clm is buying.
Re Increase in "company cars"
IIRC, or near enough, there was a surge of company bought cars in the early to mid 70's when Labour brought in it's £6 a week pay rise limit. To get around this arbitrary and tight restriction, many companies significantly increased the numbers of, and levels of, managers to whom they provided fully expensed cars. Also IIRC there was no tax payable as a benefit in kind. Of course, three years later, they were replaced with new and the "old" cars released to the public at very reasonable prices.
Look, i've been a Death-Row prisoner now for 17 years, looks like i'll be one for several more.
For the sake of something different, i'll sit atop the next big rocket and travel to the ISS, behave myself, and IF and when i return to Earth, i'm a free man?
All for free board and lodgings during the trip.
Sport too it seems. Though why anyone bothers to make a distinction these days between top level sport and business escapes me.
The actual cost to Exeter of allowing a handful of people in? Nil, plus they'd probably make something on food and drink sales.
"Wow, we've been turned away, but for the generously small sum of £10 we can buy tickets for the reserves."
"You register YOUR credit card when you enter the store, instead"
FTA : consumers will be charged to a credit card which they swipe as they enter the shop.
Pick a card, any card. Available at many fuel stations nearby.
Additionally, NO THANK YOU.
Amazon : "Congratulations, dear Customer, that is your 50th successful purchase from our store. And having noticed you have not bought a single dental product on any visit may we interest you in our dating App? Here's a selection from our 80+ year old GILF's who too no longer need dental products."
The secret of tightrope walking and having blowjobs from 80 yo GILF's?
Don't Look Down.