From across the pond
The British have put us Americans in an awkward position. We're used to being the drunk uncle in our relationship. We're belligerent, obnoxious, and soil ourselves repeatedly. You good chaps have countered with, "hold my pint."
36 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2013
I have no plans to upgrade anytime soon. I don't order anything on my phone and have never logged into Facebook or Google on it.
Security? Bah! I'm in the same boat as the millions of toilers with ancient versions of Android. I don't even have a passlock on my phone. I'll be fine.
I live in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but don't let our liberal veneer, East Coast adjacency and Democratic Governor fool you.
We voted Trump. It's Mississippi and Alabama in the rural areas. Unfortunately, their bile infects the urban areas also.
"Would there actually be anything worth watching?"
When I switched to OTA programming, I was less than impressed by the conga line of procedural crime dramas and un-funny sit-coms on network tee vee. Dig a little deeper, though, and you'll find a lot of programming to enjoy. Sure, the vast majority sucks, but I only need a few hours to satiate. That can be found across 20 odd free stations, but a little effort is involved.
My favorite shows rerun in the middle of the night, but a DVR tames that wild OTA beast into submission. So, I can watch at my leisure.
Soon, you'll develop a healthy prison entertainment mentality. Example: Non Lit buffs evolve into voracious readers when you have no other means of entertainment behind bars. I started watching esoteric, limely documentaries (I'm a Yank, as you guys call it) and thoroughly enjoy them.
A whitewashing of the ol' frontal lobes from the drudgery of cable has actually improved my viewing experience.
Cheap DVRs exist. I bought a Homeworkx PVR off Amazon for $45. I can record my local stations in HD. I don't have an HDTV, so it also functions as a digital tuner. I can also use it as a media player to play my ripped BluRays and DVDs in mp4 format. There's limitations, like only recording one station at a time, but for the price it's amazing.
States led by Republican legislatures purposely dragged their feet in committing to forming their own state healthcare exchanges. Our governor in Pennsylvania did this. This delay caused uncertainty in the number of people who are looking to sign up through the Gov portal.
Sure, the government site deserves any blame for bad code or lack or scalability, but a lot of Red States are off loading their healthcare responsibilities to the Gov. They didn't do this in a timely fashion so they could maximizing screwing up the deployment of the new system, then sit back and criticize it.
Taking shots at Hotmail? Talk about going after low-hanging fruit. Luckily, I have no dignity either.
The early SPAM filter was abysmal. I remember having to abandon an account because my inbox was flooded with dicks (more like, hot male, eh?) Sorry.
You soon would have to weed your mailbox daily, lest you let it get out of control.
When I first registered my account in 1997, there wasn't a whole lot of other options. Sure, there was your University email box, but you'd rather keep incriminating evidence far away from school.