Re: Nice with some funding!
Actually InnoDB is back in mariadb 10.2. I would hope the parallel feature to be independent of the engine and work for example with myisam too.
11 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2013
Dell's announcement of wanting to buy back shares at $14, has one main result - the stock price stabilizes at $14 instead of continuing the drop with the reduced sales. The banks will then give loans on that valuation of Dell - which means the stockholders get more money than if they let the stock slide on down.
That SAM for want more $ per share, is understandable, they probably paid premium. If the banks can be convinced to cough up more money for Dell, stockholders will be pleased.
Stop panicking there, nemid login requires you (besides login and password) to lookup a challenge code on your personal nemid card. The Java vulnerability doesn't break nemid, as it cannot extend out into the physical world and read your nemid code card.