* Posts by danielbUK

10 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jan 2013

Why your gigabit broadband lags like hell – blame Intel's chipset


Re: VM to gig BB in the UK

My Super hub 3 is black but the rest of the description is exactly the same

Eighteen year old server trumped by functional 486 fleet!


Maybe it was Triggers computer?

Nano – meet her: AMD's Radeon R9 4K graphics card for non-totally bonkers gamers, people


How does it compare to a GTX 970 ITX?

I wonder how it compares to a GTX 970 ITX which are alot cheaper..........

Windows 10: Buy cheap, buy twice, right? Buy FREE ... buy FOREVER


Yes Beats have been optimised for King Crimson as Kim Kardashians husband sampled 21st century schiziod man for one of his songs called power

'Windows 9' LEAK: Microsoft's playing catchup with Linux


Re: Meeeh

It hasn't been invented yet untilit is released and patented by Apple you mean. It must be some sort of witchcraft if it appeared before they release it.!!!!!!!!!

Microsoft DirectX 12 pushes gaming code closer to GPU bare metal


Well theres plenty of time before its available for Microsoft to buckle and offer a version of windows for free. Heck even Steam OS might be a viable alternative or we might even have a decent streaming solution by then too.

What the world really needs: A telescopic SELFIE STICK


Add a harness and !!!!!!!

Just add a harness and you can selfie or selfy (whichever it is) all day long with video too!!!!!!!

Australian pub to serve beers for bitcoin



it might take off a bit more with a handy name change

Illicit phone rings in Sri Lankan inmate's back crack


Re: Hope it wasn't....

This is old news they used to do this with Anal ogue handsets!!!! There is also the old ForeSIM trick as well.

Bad news: PC slump worse than feared. Good news: It's Friday


power savings?

Most older pcs do work fine for most stuff but i recently moved from a xp420 quad core q6600 to an ivy bridge xeon workstation with a 7750 gfx card and the main thing i have noticed is my electricity bill has come down quite alot almost to the point that within two years of use it will pay for itself. Maybe the retailers and manufacturers should start promoting this as well considering the ever increasing energy prices.