Re: "...laws are for the little people..."
germany not a western country? google stasi.
40 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jan 2013
telling an untruth to third parties is defamation isnt it? since the payment is not due on the day they use the pop up to disturb the services, And the pop up is used on anyone using your side of the services a third party reading it constitutes BT breaking defaation law. Just file a criminal complaint and sue for extra costs
with a good package manager it is just like an app store, much easier then hunting for the software you want, downloading it (with the risc of yet another "downloadmanager" and crapware install option checked) and then doing the setup.exe. After witch you can go and delete the original download manually.
Setup.exe easier? I think not
It is even worse, java update doesnt nag to install the ASK crap. If you dont pay attention or are not a savy user you just click and it gets installed automagically. it is an opt out, not an opt in. Still bewilders me that Oracle chooses to do that, not that they have a good reputation, but this is surely a new low. They must really hate java for some reason.
no debate about HSR in Europe? come again? There is a huge debate about HSR at the moment in both the Netherlands and Belgium.
A HSR line was built between the two mentioned countries, it went way over budget, schedule etc etc. When it was finaly completed, the italian built trains turned out to be total failures. they are so bad they are banned in Belgium.
In the end we have a HSR that is unfit for purpose and a dozen or so trains, that you wouldt even house pigs in, standing still and going nowhere ever. the HSR is a write of before even being really used, its a miracle that no one got killed.
yes history repeats itself, and USA military already did shoot unarmed USA citizens before. Shooting armed citizens is even easier. Which is a good reason to arm your citizens, much easier to shoot them.
And if you count police as am armed force then its the order of the day, not an exeption.
Yes a revolution can happen, and if the current politicians on both sides keep it up will become sure to happen, but it will be a very very high bodycount. which is good for planet earth. But every downside has an upside ;)
What happened to freedom of expression, isnt that a human right anymore. does a government really feel that its its job to censor in this day and age?
besides, its better to have kids who know what porn is and how it comes to be, then a generation who will not knoe what to do once they reach legal age and do see porn.
What makes the internet different from the numerous rages that show porn?
What is the policy for false negatives? will the government pay for losses of income since they are the ones making it a must to opt out in the first place?
forcing you to use it on every device is rather simple, no connection until the ISP gets a msg from the prog you need to install about your preferences. and that is the scary part, who knows what added functionality the government required software has? its not that they proven to be trustworthy....ever...
besides I dont want to use my devices for their stupidity.
how are they going to enforce it on tourists and other foreigners? Do I need to do a complete reinstall of all my devices on coming home?
why shield innocent users from porn on the internet when its at every top shelve in every gass station and magazine store?
the best thing is not to shield at all, if you dont want to see it click away, if you do feel free.
The biggest problem with filters is that it hides illegal activity, when nobody stumbles upon kiddie porn, nobody can report it to the authorities. And the pervs know where to find it anyway
I agree that USB standards naming has been a mess for the longest time.
But the adoption of this standard by Intel is not that important. its rather easy to change the chip that provides (extra) USB3 ports on a lot of motherboards for a 3.1 chip.
maybe Intel is a contender for the firm that produces most processors, but intels share in the total processormarket is far from the biggest. if ARM adopts USB3.1 in their designs it will become mainstream rather fast.
the USA is at it again, while the NSA is saying that everything Snowden says is untrue at the black hat conference, the USA still wants to prosecute him..... but for telling a made up story you cant get prosecuted as a traitor, for telling the truth you can.
So who do we believe? The NSA or the rest of the USA government?
I bought a bunch of old HP and IBM PC's a decade ago. for 10 each. They were all complete with mouse and keyboard. I tossed the systems and the mice. But now I do have a lifetime supply of My favorite keyboards. same feel as the ALPS based keyboards, but at about a tenth of the price, these things last and can be found second hand almost everywhere.
but that might be the reason that everybody had to switch to crap keyboards that break down on saturdayevening one day after warrranty ends.
nowadays the ribbon can be customized too. And I still hate it.
Also IT Pros tend to look further and are less bound by company dictated softwares like office. So most IT pros tend to have office only to read some office only formats. and use the alternatives for higher productivity or at least ease of use.
It is just another coöperation between the banks and government to force everybody to pay for a credit card. I dont want one and have no use for one, so I am degaded to a second class citizen with fewer rights then those who pay their credit card "tax"
commercial items should never be a tool for identification or an age check. besides I predict a fast black market economy for credit card details among the youngsters who want to see the modern day equivalent of the rags we used to read before we were 18.
no justice in this ruling once again, the banks dont need pron to be creaming after this one
it is a buy once use three years deal, so its $300 per machine. And I think thats not a real good deal for 2 million machines. ni use comparing it to SMB. the numer of machines is what counts, should and could do much better, iven with MSFT, let alone with FOSS.