The problem with the Gestapo asking to see your papers is the Gestapo not the papers. Does anyone in their right mind believe that the British Government is going act like Nazis or that the British Police will act like the Gestapo?
Posts by Paulusar
4 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jan 2013's love affair with ID cards: Curse or farce?
Big Blighty telcos ordered to block three BitTorrent search sites
Microsoft blasts PC makers: It's YOUR fault Windows 8 crash landed
Some idiot at M$
M$ decided they wanted in on the iPad market. So some idiot decided to design the next version of Windows to suit tablets and phones. Then the idiot said "How do we get people to buy the Windows 8 touch screen devices?"
Eureka! Foist Windows 8 onto desktops and laptops. The suckers will love it so much that when they buy a tablet or phone they will want Windows 8 on it and not buy iPads.
Well the suckers weren't that stupid, otherwise they would be already buying Apple products.
Now Windows 8 is sinking faster than the Titanic and taking PC makers with it.
The idiot in M$ needs to fired. M$ has only itself to blame.