Wow microsoft is getting a better repour
My First PC was a Windows 3.1 2mb ram 52 mb hdd job, back then i knew nothing about security or even have the internet but it did ship with Q basic! after this PC it went down hill.. tinternet and windows 95 armed with AOL 2.somthing this is where your Windows machine was open to everyone who wanted to be leet and the same for 98 when it came out, same stuff different day but more people trying to be leet.. this is when microsoft started trying to put security features into their desktop OS's with XP sure they started off badly (any one remember Net Send adverts?) but by SP2 they'd started to make it secureish and low and behold some people are starting not to blam Microsoft for the sake of blamming. now Vista is here shipped with more security gadgets than everyones favorite inspector! once these early day problems with any new OS that comes out are delt with will there be a generally secure OS that is not prone to script kiddies united? IMO yes there will be less automated hacking scripts yes there will be fewer malware etc apps but what will be the cost of this? heavy weight applications that need big pimping specs to run them.. an example how big was XP install and how big is an XPsp2 install? and compare the idle process numbers, ram usage %? that's going to be the cost of water tight security measures
PS excuse my lack of paragraphs grammer and spelling etc im ill today