* Posts by Who took my handle %@£#

5 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Dec 2012

Staying power: The small screen spans of the eleven Doctor Whos

Who took my handle %@£#

What, no Dr. Donna?

Googorola now shipping 100,000 Moto X phones a week... from TEXAS

Who took my handle %@£#

100,000! Now that Apple has released the 5c Moto's shipments will................................ DOUBLE

Samsung Mega 6.3: Enter the PHONDLESLAB

Who took my handle %@£#

"will be getting a punch on the hooter."

Hooter? Best you get an American English dictionary on that one my friend. You will get into big trouble if you ever punched one........ ;-)

Using encryption? That means the US spooks have you on file

Who took my handle %@£#

Email inscription

My friend who works for the NSA says that the hardest inscription to crack is British English. :-)

Senator pushes data cap and ISP monitoring legislation

Who took my handle %@£#

Re: "D-OR" - Not Quite Correct.

Try decaf man!